Hello! I have little problem about data comparing so i hope someone can help me.
Im using IComsat v1.1 module with SIMM900 on Arduino MEGA. I can send and receive messages, but i need make program so that Arduino understands individual sms characters.
I will try to show code simple as possible to resolve this problem and then if it works, make it more complex.
Basicly i need to compare received SMS characters to defined variables and if equals do something.
char sms_rx[120]; //Variable for saving received sms
char ON[3] = "On"; //char variable to compare received sms, including NULL character
char OFF[4] = "Off"; //char variable to compare received sms, including NULL character
void setup()
//code for modem setup
void Check_SMS()
//Subroutine for checking received sms
void loop()
if ( sms_rx == ON )
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
else if (sms_rx == OFF )
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
This code compiles, but if i send to module sms like "On", LED doesnt turn on. So i guess theres problem in comparing.
I know there is SoftwareSerial interface using AT commands, it would be easier to use, but i cant managed to make work with that. If someone can suggest options on that, i would be appreciated. But for now it would be good to read individual sms characters.
You are just comparing the addresses of the strings, not their content. You can use strcmp which returns zero if the strings are equal:
if(strcmp(sms_rx,ON) == 0) {
// the strings are equal - ON
} else if (strcmp(sms_rx,OFF) {
// the strings are equal - OFF
} else {
// Neither string is matched
Make sure that sms_rx is null-terminated and also beware of sms_rx having carriage-return and/or linefeed on the end.
My guess is that the Check_SMS() function fills in the sms_rx[] character array. If that's the case, you need to compare strings, which won't work using sms_rx == ON. You'd have to do something like:
strcmp() returns 0 when there is a match, -1 if the match fails and the letter of the mismatch is lexicographically less, or 1 if greater. For example, an ASCII 'A' is 65 and ASCII 'B' is 66, so strcmp("A", "B") would return -1 while strcmp("B", "A") would return 1, and strcmp("A", "A") or strcmp("B", "B") would return 0.