Hi all, I’m Looking for some help with my Hobby RC project. Basically I’m building a servo motor that can turn 3 to 6 revolutions at the output shaft and be cam able of stopping at ant position in between using commands from a hobby RC system. I’m currently using a Pololu JRK which works, but I’m now thinking an Arduino based system might be even better and a lot less expensive! Only problem is I done know where to start can anyone help ?
Has the motor got any form of feedback that reports its current position ?
Why not buy a sail winch servo which already does what you want e.g. https://www.componentshop.co.uk/61g-digital-sail-winch-servo-6-turn-programmable.html
There are many others.
Do you have numbers to hang on your specifications?
A potentiometer can typically turn about 270 degrees. One way to have a servo turn 3 or 6 full turns (1080 or 2160 degrees) is to put 4:1 or 8:1 gearing between the servo shaft and the servo feedback pot.
Yes there is hearing between motor and output shaft. To potentiometer is driven at 2:1 ratio from the output shaft. So 3 turns = 6 on the pot. ( pot is 10 turn 10k ohm.)
I’ve use sail winch servos they are too slow or not powerful enough. I’m trying to make a winch that performs as good as an RMG winch but doesn’t cost £ 200.
I’ve built a prototype that works fine using a Pololu JRK controller. My thoughts are can I use Arduino which is much cheaper than the JRK.
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