Arduino MKR WAN 1310

I try to use the JLINK EDU to debug MKR WAN 1310 but get a "debug - no board selected" message if I go over the debug symbol after uploading the blink sketch. I set up everything according to the tutorial. If I use the JLINK GUI I am able to connect to the target MKR WAN 1310 but using the .JSON script from the tutorial fails, I think.
"servertype": "jlink",
"device": "ATSAMD21G18",
"interface": "SWD",
"serverpath": "C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe"
Trying the SEGGER JLINK Server standalone I get everything ready and the GDB is waiting for connection.
I uploaded the blink sketch and it is working. The LED is blinking. But no connection to the debugger.
I also tried the 32bit. Not working.
What is the port ARDUINO 2 is trying to connect to GDB?

Hi there
After module update today things changed. I am now able to start the GDB server but I am not connected because it seems not to connect to JLINK. See ScreenShot.

I see that there should be "type": "jlink" and a different server path.
Is it possible to edit this config. I see a lock and editing is not allowed.
I also would like to have all the paths to my lokal copy of blink.

thanks and regards, Harald

Hi there.
ARDUINO answered my error report and tells me a workaround.
Select any other board
Select target board again

After that debugger works fine

Bug accepted and worked on.

Regards, harald

2 posts were split to a new topic: Starting 2.3.0 debugger with J-Link fails: "unable to find CMSIS-DAP device"

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