Delay() works only if I define Serial.begin(9600), specifically 9600

Hi all,
I have a simple Arduino code for an ESP32 chip that uses some C++ code, but the delay in the loop() works only if I define Serial.begin(9600) in setup() (but doesn't work with a different baud rate like 115200), I read it here Delay is not working?! - #12 by cmiyc

Well, you might say, just keep the Serial.begin(9600) , but I can't because I need a different baud-rate.

This is my .ino file:

#include "MyClass.h"

// Define a message
byte msg[4] = {0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD};

MyClass* myObject = new MyClass();

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Needed by Arduino for delay() to work

void loop() {
  myObject->sendSPI(msg, sizeof(msg));

This is MyClass.h

#ifndef MY_CLASS
#define MY_CLASS
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>

class MyClass {
    void init();
    void sendSPI(uint8_t* msg, uint8_t msg_len);

This is MyClass.cpp

#include "MyClass.h"
#include <Arduino.h>

// SPI pins
#define SPI_SCK                18  // SPI Clock (Master Output)
#define SPI_MOSI               23  // Master Output, Slave Input
#define SPI_MISO               19  // Master Input, Slave Output
static const long spiClk       = 2000000; // SPI Clock frequency [Hz]

MyClass::MyClass() {}

MyClass::init() {

  // Setup functionality pins
  pinMode(32, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(33, OUTPUT);

  //Setup SPI lines and interface
  pinMode(5,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(SPI_SCK,  OUTPUT);
  pinMode(SPI_MOSI, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(SPI_MISO, INPUT);

  SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV8); // divide the clock by 8=2 MHz @ESP32

void MyClass::sendSPI(uint8_t* msg, uint8_t msg_len) {
	digitalWrite(33, LOW);  // Toggle some pin
	digitalWrite(5, LOW);          // Enable SPI Slave Select

	for (int i = 0; i < msg_len; i++)  {
		SPI.transfer((byte) msg[i]);   // Write data to MOSI

	digitalWrite(5, HIGH);          // Disable Slave Select	
	delay(30);                       // Wait
	digitalWrite(32, HIGH); // toggle some other pin

I can't answer your question / solve your problem. But you should not work with I/O and peripherals in the constructor. Write a begin method and put your pinModes and SPI in there; call the begin method in setup().

It might solve the issue, I just don't know.

Thanks I'll fix that

this is outdated and should not be used

Thanks, what is the current function for clock divider?

Please don't update the code in your earlier post when fixing things. If you do that, the following replies, like the reply from @sterretje, no longer make sense. Post your updated code in your next reply.

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Use SPI Transactions.

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Ok I found the issue. MyClass had a member (that I didn't report to make the code simpler) that received a uint8_t and passed it to a delay()
It must have been an unsigned long instead.

Thanks all for the help

Unfortunately this is unforgivable

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