I'm doing a project for a college course that will involve sorting of objects using some kind of automated means. I've been meaning to get around to building a delta robot for a while now and this seems like a great opportunity. Is there any go to guide for this sort of thing? I've done some digging but most of the threads I've found were more just showcasing and not so much informative.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, especially towards a quick and dirty get started type delta robot I would be most appreciative.
If you mean something that can discover the environment around itself, build a representation of it, and then use that representation to do path planning, then I think the Arduino does not have enough compute power (for the discovery and representation) or working storage/SRAM (for the representation/path finding) and you should be looking at something like a Cortex-M3 or something even higher end. Also, environment discovery and representation is an active research area in robotics, so you'd be on the bleeding edge if that's what you want
If by "pathing" you simply mean something like "roll forward 10 inches, turn left 15 degrees, roll forward 3 inches, ..." then that's totally doable with an Arduino, although I'm not the right guy to know where you'd find sample code for that. It might depend on what your sensors are -- for "10 inches" do you simply use time and assume you know the speed of the robot, or do you measure revolutions of the drive wheel (what about slip?) or do you use some more advanced sensor?
I think it's clear from the video that it isn't about a mobile robot.
I agree. Both interpretations of "pathing" that I suggested are applicable to a mobile robot. Hence, why I think being a little more specific about requirements would be useful in nailing down the answer the OP is looking for.