I probably wrongly connected lm7805 voltage regulator to my Arduino Nano Every. The Arduino was powered via Vin pin, about 8 V. So after connection there was smoke above Atmega. Does that mean that my Arduino is dead?
After that I connect Arduino normally via USB to computer and both green and yellow diodes were on, so may it be fine anyway?
Vin should handle 8V, but smoke is always a bad sign... Have you tried uploading a sketch to it?
Is it a regular classic nano?
Where did you connect the LM7805? What pins?
Yes, a simple one with writing something in Serial Monitor and it worked
In+ to D7, In- to GND of Arduino, Outs where connected to nothing, but I was supposed to connect servo motor there. Now I think that In+ should be connect to Vin. I use LM7805 which looks like that, module one:
Is it still working? Or did this happen before there was smoke?
after, it theoretical works
So you may have damage D7 or maybe other I/O pins.
Are you sure you seen smoke.
It usally smells pretty bad when an electronic component burns.
Does it look like anything on the board is burned? Check top and botom
Yeh, there was smoke and it smells a little bit.
But beside that, what do you think of this schematic? Is it ok? The aim is to control two servo depending on data send via nrf. LM's out has 6.5 V. Sorry for quality.
Should be 5V not 6.5V, something is wrong.
How much current do the servos need?
Also you need to connect the servos GND the the Nano GND
I guess between 4.8 and 7.2 V and draws abou 550 mA
Then the LM7805 should be OK but what did you mean by
LMs out has 6.5V
My LM has built in potentiometer and I can regulate output voltage and I assumed that servo will work properly with 6.5V
Not the one you show in post #5
LM7805 usually have fixed voltage outputs.
Are you sure the module you have uses a LM7805?
Ok, sorry, my stupid mistake. I use LM2596
The input needs to be at least 1.5V higher than the output for good regulation, so you are right on the edge of it working/not working.
Maybe set it to 6V output
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