difference between int and byte?

I was playing around with am example sketch and it created a variable for a byte but the line of code was written "int byteA = 0;" why would they not have made it "byte byteA = 0"?

does the arduino still see int as a byte? Just a little confused as to the difference between int and byte and when its appropriate to use one over the other.

Int is two bytes. Byte is one byte. byteA is a stupid variable name for an int.

Not if "byteA" means "byte address"...

On the Uno/Leonardo/Mini/Nano etc int is 16 bit. byte is always 8 bit.
On the Due int is 32 bit (its a very different beast).

People tend to default to int even if a byte would do, until they run out of
space or want to tune a sketch's performance for speed. Since the Uno
et al are 8-bit processors byte & char variables are faster than int (assuming
you can live in 8-bit land).