Hi folks, I am trying to find some answers that don't seem clear on the website, the digital pins on the arduino that are labelled PWM. Are they dedicated to ONLY to PWM? or can they be used like any other digital output pins and set high or low as needed?
All twenty I/O pins support pinMode(), digitalRead(), digitalWrite().
Pins 0 and 1 also connect to the hardware serial chip, for Serial.print() and Serial.read().
Pins 2 and 3 also can act as interrupt triggers, for attachInterrupt().
Pins 3/11, 5/6, and 9/10 (in those pairs) also connect to three timers and six PWM comparators for analogWrite().
Pins 14-19 are also connected to digital-to-analog converters for analogRead(). However, analogRead() requires pin numbers 0-5 and the silkscreen on the board labels them ANALOG 0 to ANALOG 5.
Thanks, I just wanted to check, I've made some software and hardware changes to my project and now its really not working at all and I need to find the problem, I guess I'll post some of my code in the software section and see if someone can see the error.
I've been over it and it seems ok.