Digital Read Serial

Hi Guys,
I'm a noob to Arduino, and will need all the help I can get.
I received my new Arduino328 board today and was trying it out. The basic LED circuit in Learning/Examples worked fine and I moved on to 'Digital Read Serial' but I ran into a problem with the link to serial communication. It throws up a sign in dialog. There is nothing that says I must have an ID to sign in. So what is going on? :-/

It throws up a sign in dialog.

The Arduino did this? Did you happen to take a picture of the Arduino doing it?

If the PC posted a dialog, some details on exactly what the dialog said, what OS you are using, and what the Arduino sketch looks like would be helpful.

Ha ha ha, I was referring to the Arduino Learning/Examples about their link to serial communication: It seems odd to me that they would have the user sign on for information they otherwise provide free.

In the Arduino IDE there is a button (rightmost one) that can establish a serial communication with your Arduino board.

After uploading your sketch you press the serial monitor button and a window will open displaying the output of your Arduino.
Note 1: the opening of the serial monitor will restart the sketch.
Note 2: take care that the baudrate (See Serial.begin(baudrate) in your sketch) matches the baudrate of the serial monitor.


It seems odd to me that they would have the user sign on for information they otherwise provide free.

There shouldn't be a sign-in page (and I am not seeing one now.) You might have just happened to click the link when the website was being updated.

I see it is available now. That cures my curiousity. I may now continue to cram stuff into my little head. :stuck_out_tongue: