Hello :),
wanted to use the digitalsmooth code from Paul Badger but to make it work faster because I have several sensors to smooth...
The "quicksort" runs good in Processing and cuts down calculationtime and I simply copy and paste it to arduino. Anybody some comments how to improve it for Arduino? Is it allright that way???
Here the updated piece of code:
//smoothing of an array of values
int digiSmooth(int rawIn, int *sensSmoothArray){ // "int *sensSmoothArray" passes an array to the function...
// *asterisk indicates the array name is a pointer -> Arduino cappable of that???
/* throw out top and bottom 15% of samples - limit to throw out at least one from top and bottom
with 15 filtersamples will be 2 and 13 */
static byte bottom = max( ((filtersamples * 15) / 100), 1 ); //lower border value
static byte top = min( (((filtersamples * 85) / 100) + 1), (filtersamples - 1) ); // the +1 is to make up for asymmetry caused by int rounding
static int sorted[filtersamples]; //static because only needed in this function but persistend throughout the run???
//////////////////////////////////overwrite last value, shift and put new value in front
byte i;
for(i=0; i<filtersamples; i++){
sorted[i] = sensSmoothArray[i];
byte j;
for(j=0; j<filtersamples-1; j++){
sensSmoothArray[j+1] = sorted[j];
sensSmoothArray[0] = rawIn; // input new data into the first slot
byte k;
for (k=0; k<filtersamples; k++){ // transfer data array to local array for sorting and averaging
sorted[k] = sensSmoothArray[k];
quicksort(sorted, 0, filtersamples-1); // quicksort from a elements from x to n elements
byte n = 0; // I think we will not have more than 253
unsigned long total = 0; //depending on the number of samples this could be a big value
byte l;
for (l = bottom; l< top; l++){
total += sorted[l]; // total remaining indices
// Serial.println();
// Serial.print("average = ");
// Serial.println(total/n);
return total / n; // divide by number of samples and return
/* replaced by luke through quicksort -> seems to be the fastest to process information on Arduino ??? */
void quicksort(int a[], int l, int r){ //a=Array, l=left border, r=right border
if(r>l){ //as long that more then 1 followingelement exists do
int i=l-1, j=r, tmp; //Initialising the variables with the borders
for(;;){ //endless loop; stops if i>=j
while(a[++i]<a[r]); //inkrem., until found bigger element
while(a[--j]>a[r] && j>i); //dekrem., until found smaler element
if(i>=j) break; //stops run if pointer meet
tmp=a[i]; //exchange smaller with bigger element
a[i]=a[j]; //exchange smaller with bigger element
a[j]=tmp; //exchange smaller with bigger element
tmp=a[i]; //exchange dividing element
a[i]=a[r]; //exchange dividing element
a[r]=tmp; //exchange dividing element
quicksort(a, l, i-1); //recursive call of function for left
quicksort(a, i+1, r); //recursive call of function for right
Thanxs for comments