Direct Serial to MIDI Controller for Ableton

I am doing my first tests with MIDI controllers with Arduino. I am still a noob on this.

I did my first test with sensors and I can control parameters in Ableton with no problems.

I stumbled upon the Hairless-midiserial interface. I was wondering if there is a way to not use this interface and send MIDI from Arduino directly. Just as a normal MIDI controller that you just connects via USB.

I am also trying to use the Control Surface library for a MIDI controller project. Control Surface: Getting Started

I have an Arduino Uno rev 3 with the ATmega328P-PU.
I have been reading that the UNO does not support MIDI over USB natively, but on all readings it says a different Atmega than the one I have.
Do you know if mine does support it?

No, the UNO can't do that. The Leonardo or Micro can.
And there are other boards that can do that, e.g. teensy. The processor needs a native USB interface which the processor of the UNO doesn't have.

There is a method with which you can do it, but it is not easy. It requires you to program the 16u2 processor that the UNO uses for USB communication. After having done that, you can not just upload new code to the UNO anymore in the way that you normally do (via the USB port) It is definitely not a beginners project, unlike using a Micro or Leonardo, which is more or less plug & play.

See Control Surface: MIDI over USB

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