Display a variable in TFT Screen without blink

Hi.I am using Arduino TFT LCD screen 1.77" .detail of the display is given in the below link.

I am trying to interface this with Arduino Micro Board.I have used the Example sketch from Arduino IDE to display the Text in the TFT screen.
(Arduino IDE->File->Example->TFT->Arduino->TFTDisplay Text)

This is my code.

#include <TFT.h>  // Arduino LCD library
#include <SPI.h>

// pin definition for the Uno
#define cs   10
#define dc   9
#define rst  8  

// pin definition for the Leonardo
// #define cs   7
// #define dc   0
// #define rst  1 

// create an instance of the library
TFT TFTscreen = TFT(cs, dc, rst);

// char array to print to the screen
char sensorPrintout[4];

void setup() {
  // Put this line at the beginning of every sketch that uses the GLCD:

  // clear the screen with a black background
  TFTscreen.background(0, 0, 0);
  // write the static text to the screen
  // set the font color to white
  // set the font size
  // write the text to the top left corner of the screen
  TFTscreen.text("Sensor Value :\n ",0,0);
  // ste the font size very large for the loop

void loop() {

  // Read the value of the sensor on A0
  String sensorVal = String(analogRead(A0));
  // convert the reading to a char array
  sensorVal.toCharArray(sensorPrintout, 4);

  // set the font color
  // print the sensor value
  TFTscreen.text(sensorPrintout, 0, 20);
  // wait for a moment
  // erase the text you just wrote
  TFTscreen.text(sensorPrintout, 0, 20);

Above code works fine and continuously display the variable with blink of every 250ms.
If I remove the following part from the above code

TFTscreen.text(sensorPrintout, 0, 20);

It stops blinking.But new value is superimposed with old value.I would like to display a variable without blinking.
How to resolve this problem?

How to resolve this problem?

Adopt some realistic expectations.

Either you repaint the area where the new text is going to go, causing a "blink", or you don't, causing the text to stack up.

You can NOT prevent the text from stacking up without blanking the screen.

What you MIGHT be able to do is redraw the existing text in the background color, and then draw the new text in the text color.