DIY 5v power adapter

hey everyone!

I've recently made my own power adapter in order to use it as a charger. I first designed the circuit in ORCAD and then implemented the PCB. funny thing is just when I plugged it to 220v it collapsed! I didn't even pushed the plug completely through... just when I made it close to power socket, one inductor burned out...
what are your guesses?

Why are you doing that when you can buy one for a few $?

hey everyone!

I've recently made my own power adapter in order to use it as a charger. I first designed the circuit in ORCAD and then implemented the PCB. funny thing is just when I plugged it to 220v it collapsed! I didn't even pushed the plug completely through... just when I made it close to power socket, one inductor burned out...
what are your guesses?

Based on the given information, you must have done something wrong.

Based on the given information, no idea what as you didn't give any useful information, really. What you should post: everything that we would need to completely recreate your project, the same way you built it.

First thing wrong is you did not prototype it. Going from a schematic right to a PCB is foolish in the case of power supplies.

Question: Did you follow CE or UL or whatever standard applies in your area?

IMHO if you are following a circuit from the net or a devices example circuit and don't know how to troubleshoot a failed inductor then you have no business connecting anything to 220V.

what are your guesses?

I guess* the emergency services are busy enough (not to mention stressed out) right now without having to attend to candidates for the Darwins.

  • It's no guess actually; there are 4 EMTs and one nursing sister in my close family. They have enough on their plates right now without you killing or injuring yourself (or worse, others) and / or setting fire to your house.

I know it sound funny

I guess I missed that part.

Funny thing is just when I plugged it to 220v it collapsed! I didn't even pushed the plug completely through... just when I made it close to power socket, one inductor burned out...
what are your guesses?

So your prepared to accept 'guesses' as to why it burnt, just amazed that an engineer would ask for 'guesses'

If you need to ask for 'guesses' as to why it burnt, you should most definetly not be designing and building such things in the first place.

And can you reveal where you live, I want to know that I am safe ....................

If you need to ask for 'guesses' as to why it burnt, you should most definitely not be designing and building such things in the first place.

Amen to that. +1, and for Hannah!

What was your circuit?
Can you post a schematic and a picture so we can see your component layout?

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile: