Revisiting a project of mine after a while, since I have finally found the time to return to this circuit.
I'm using the same circuit recommended by this library: GitHub - autowp/arduino-mcp2515: Arduino MCP2515 CAN interface library.
I'm using the "CAN_write" sketch in that library with no modification. I don't have another device listening to it yet, I just want to see something, anything at all coming out of the MCP2551 (e.g. onto the CAN bus). Right now the issue actually seems to be further upstream in the MCP2515 though, since it's never sending anything to the 2551.
Here's the "DIY" circuit image included in that library. It's very similar to the Seeed Studio CAN bus shield diagram, and in either case it's exactly the setup I have:
I mean, I can all but assure you that circuit and mine are identical. I've checked it over probably twenty times, no exaggeration. The ground/5v rails are commonized as they should be, I beep tested it all, the works. Even so... be it with this library or the Seeed Shield library, the MCP2515 keeps going to sleep right after startup! Or at least it seems like that's the case - it properly blasts the 16MHz clock on its CLKOUT pin for a very brief window right after powering on, then falls silent.
So, I'm wondering why this keeps going to sleep. I see data constantly streaming into the thing from my library code on pins 13,14,15,16 (though I can't exactly parse the meaning). Is there any other pin or setting I need to be observing to get this darn thing to talk with the MCP2551?