Does an IOT cloud thing automatically set the Uno R4 RTC?

My project is a data logger for logging temperatures in the house. It is based on the Uno R4 WiFi which is set up as a IOT THING to enable me to monitor things on my phone dashboard also. I want to log based on time from the internal Real Time Clock to be independent of internet access. I have been thinking about how to set the clock, maybe with ArduinoCloud.getLocalTime(), then wondering how I establish that the cloud connection is valid, etc. To cut a long story short after experimenting with some code I found that I apparently don't need to set the RTC because it has already been set. If I instantiate a new thing with #include "RTC.h" and just put

RTCTime currentTime;

in the loop, it prints out the correct time. I have no other code to set the time of the RTC. Is this what is supposed to happen? It is all rather simple and not what I expected.