Does Arudino Zero have a memory protection unit(MPU)?

Does Arudino Zero have a memory protection unit(MPU)?

Does the data sheet for it's micro processor answer the question?

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No, it doesn't... Datasheet:

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I understand what you're trying to say.
The fact is that I found in the Cortex-M0+ Datasheet that its memory protection unit is listed as "not present or 8-region," and that's what caused my confusion.

Then my question might become: what is the difference between a configuration option and a device option? Because I saw in the configuration option that its memory protection unit is listed as "not present or 8-region." :smiling_face_with_tear:

The "Cortex-M0+" is a CPU/etc design that ARM sells to individual manufacturers (Like Atmel/Microchip, or RPi.) There are all those "configuration options" that the manufacturer can add or leave out, depending on ... how much silicon and support they want to use up.

So the "Configurable Option" column is the choices that ARM offers, and the "Device Configuration" column is what Atmel chose to implement. (It's nice to have such a table explicitly put in the datasheet. Not all vendors are so kind!)

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Got it. Thanks!