That would make it an unsigned long and nearly always be true.
I was trying to schedule future events so I didn't need two unsigned longs per pixel, (for last and interval) just the time of the future event. Which when differenced with millis() is either negative while it is still in the future, or positive once the time has passed.
loop()-speed wise, theres a few other tricks to try -- you can rate-limit the expensive schedule checking and its LED updating, which groups the updates, or you can make the off-interval longer so there are less updated pixels per loop(). I like the rate-limiting scheme:
// Use an array of independent millis() timers to track independent events
// Circuit based on
// for
// DaveX 2023-01-31 Apache 2.0
#include <FastLED.h>
#define TIMING 0
#define LED_PIN 3
#define NUM_LEDS 1000 //1120
#define NUM_SPARKLE NUM_LEDS // 800
#define LED_TYPE WS2812
#define MAX_OFF_MS 5000L
#define NUM_RINGS (sizeof(led_count) / sizeof(led_count[0]))
#define FIRE_WIDTH 64
const int debug = 0;
unsigned long next_change_time[NUM_LEDS]; // memory for timers
void setup() {
for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
next_change_time[i] = random(MAX_OFF_MS);
void loop() {
unsigned long t1 = millis();
int changes = 0;
CRGB *led = leds;
static unsigned long last = 0;
const unsigned long interval = 50 ; //ms
if ( t1 - last >= interval) { // limit rate
last += interval;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPARKLE; ) {
if ((signed long)(t1 - next_change_time[i]) > 0) {
// time for a change
if (leds[i]) { // lit?
leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
next_change_time[i] += random(500, MAX_OFF_MS);
} else { // light it up
leds[i] = CHSV(random(256), 255, 255);
next_change_time[i] += 1000;
if (changes) { // update LEDS;
} else {
that won't work if you keep this animation running long enough
basically you want to check if t1 > next_change_time[i] but that won't work at rollover time if you keep the animation going for 50 days
Given MAX_OFF_MS is less that 65535, you could use an uint16_t to store the next_change_time and save half the memory if you were going for start time and ∆t to be rollover safe.
(also there are many pieces unused in your code that you could clean up to keep the demo simple)
may be something like this would do
#include <FastLED.h>
#define LED_PIN 3
#define NUM_LEDS 1120
#define LED_TYPE WS2812
#define MAX_OFF_MS 60000L
uint16_t changeInDeltaT[NUM_LEDS]; // memory for timers
void setup() {
for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
changeInDeltaT[i] = random(MAX_OFF_MS);
void loop() {
static uint32_t oldMillis = millis();
uint32_t currentMillis = millis();
uint32_t deltaTLoop = currentMillis - oldMillis;
bool stripNeedsUpdate = false;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
if (changeInDeltaT[i] == 0) { // time to change
stripNeedsUpdate = true;
changeInDeltaT[i] = random(MAX_OFF_MS);
if (leds[i] == CRGB(CRGB::Black))
leds[i] = CHSV(random(256), 255, 255);
leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
} else {
if (deltaTLoop > changeInDeltaT[i])
changeInDeltaT[i] = 0;
changeInDeltaT[i] -= deltaTLoop;
if (stripNeedsUpdate);
oldMillis = currentMillis;
No, this math protects against that sort of rollover:
The differencing makes it an interval mod ULONG_MAX, and the cast offsets the range to both sides of zero so you can use it as an indicator variable for past and future. (The " What if I really need to compare timestamps" section of the excellent programming - How can I handle the millis() rollover? - Arduino Stack Exchange explains this.)
However this math does limit the next_change_time[i] to ~25 days (half of ULONG_MAX or just LONG_MAX) because longer intervals into the future would rollover into the past.
Interesting. I wanted to use the full set of 1630 LEDs from the source simulation, but could only get to 1120 or so before things started to crash.
If I switch the my code to uint16_t get the same:
Sketch uses 5666 bytes (2%) of program storage space. Maximum is 253952 bytes.
Global variables use 5880 bytes (71%) of dynamic memory, leaving 2312 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8192 bytes.
With my code switched to uint16_t it can get to 1550 LEDs at 98% RAM:
here it won't work because the math (t1 - next_change_time[i]) is conducted as unsigned long (indeed modulo ULONG_MAX) but the result is always positive or null as both are unsigned. so even if you cast to signed later on, you will still get a positive answer. Your if will only catch == 0
EDIT: does go negative if the delta is has a 1 in the MSb (is > ULONG_MAX /2 )
// for
#include <limits.h>
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
unsigned long t1 = ULONG_MAX - 100UL;
unsigned long t2 = ULONG_MAX - 10UL;
if ((signed long)(t1 - t2) > 0) {
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// prints "negative"
The unsigned difference could get be above ULONG_MAX/2 if you set intervals larger than 25 days or maybe if you have a loop time larger than 25 days. Otherwise it is rollover-safe because the modulo math with unsigned differences takes care of itself.
I like scheduling future events because they require less storage--only the next time, rather than both the last time and the interval between changes.
Sometimes translating the time of future events into the last + interval paradigm is awkward. If you have just one LED or oven, or relay, keeping track of the last time you changed it is reasonable, but if you have many, it isn't as clear.
Looking at your next post, the normal rollover problem solution can have the same theoretical problem if the check time or intervals are somehow larger than ULONG_MAX.
If you have control over your looping or testing time, you could avoid the cast and use a test like:
...and get proper behavior for delta-ts of up to nearly the full range. (max_check_interval = ULONG_MAX/2; would make it equivalent to the cast) But the cast seems easier to explain as "treat the difference between the two timestamps as a positive or negative difference"
if now and next are uint32_t then the subtraction is carried out as unsigned, only afterwards it's promoted to a signed long in an undocumented way (as unsigned fit larger values than signed)...
what are you really trying to test? if (now > next) ??
Yes. If you try to test if(now - last[i] >= interval[i] with arrays of last[i] and interval[i] you need double the storage required for if(difftime(now,nextEvent[i]) > 0 )
I suppose I'm assuming difftime() would handle rollover correctly, or at least as well as if((signed long) (now - next) >= 0) Test included below.
An issue I have with the standard if(now - last >= interval) scheme is trying to schedule a "feed my chickens every 6 hours starting now"-type use-case. It is easy to gloss over the ability of the the standard scheme to handle handle this, since BWoD example starts so quickly. The standard scheme can work for this use-case if you pre-rollover last to be -interval (or update interval from 0 to 6hrs after the first event) but it is awkward to explain. Another workaround is to duplicate the task in setup(), which is easy to explain, but is more awkward to code. Using difftime() or (signed long)(now - next) seems a bit more clear. Especially if you are dealing with multiple events of differing intervals.
#include <time.h>
extern unsigned long timer0_millis;
void setup() {
// force millis rollover soon:
timer0_millis = 0UL - 5000;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
void every6HrStartingNow(void) {
const unsigned long interval = 1000UL * 3600 * 6;
static unsigned long last = -interval;
unsigned long now = millis();
if ( now - last >= interval) {
last = now;
Serial.print("every6HrStartingNow standard: "); Serial.println(now);
void every6HrStartingNowV2(void) {
const unsigned long interval = 1000UL * 3600 * 6;
static time_t next = 0;
unsigned long now = millis();
if ( difftime(now, next) >= 0 ) {
next = now + interval;
Serial.print("every6HrStartingNowV2 difftime: "); Serial.println(now);
void report(void) {
const unsigned long interval = 1000;
static time_t next = millis();
unsigned long now = millis();
if ( difftime(now, next) >= 0 ) {
next = now + interval;
Serial.print("millis(): "); Serial.println(now);