Downloading the ESP WiFI firmware updater?

I need to update my R4 WiFi firmware version (from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0) and have been trying to download the ESP R4 WiFI Updater Script for Windows from GitHub

Now I've downloaded from GitHub no problems., many times before. But for some reason I can't find the ZIP to download on GitHub.

Hoping someome can point it out ... TIA

Press the green "Code" button and you'll find Download ZIP

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Thanks @runaway_pancake I see the familiar green button at last.

Seems my link only went to a sub-dir. I did try navigating from there, but never found the green button. WTF!

I downloaded OK and found update_windows.bat
but running it fails - unable to find bin\unor4wifi-reboot ??

Fortunately then I noticed this command

CALL bin\espflash write-bin -b 115200 0x0 firmware\UNOR4-WIFI-S3-0.2.0-rc1.bin

It seems this is for version 0.2.0.
So is version 0.3.0 available?

In any case, why doesn't the bat file work at all?

And lastly, just how important is it to update the firmware to 0.3.0 ?

Hi, you should be able to update the WiFi firmware of the UNO R4 WiFi using the firmware updater tool available in the IDE.

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thanks @jojo.
That worked a treat, much easier than pulling it from GitHub!

I was searching for that - but must not have used the best clues.

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