I'm fairly new to C++ and Arduino (comming from C#) and I'm building a LCD (Menu) with DS1307, a Pushbutton and AM2302 (DHT22).
Im having issues with the DS1307; where the Date and Time is not shown correctly, and giving (either correct or incorrect values) every time I upload the Code to arduino.
Using Arduino Uno.
DS1307 does not have a battery. Instead is connected: 3v3 (module) to 3.3v (arduino).
Therefore I know I should expect it not to store the DateTime whenvere the Power is Cut.
I wonder this is influencing my issue and if I can use arduino power instead of a CR1220 battery and how to hook it up for project completion.
[!] Additional information regarding this would be extremely appreciated. -
Using millis() (delay with 1 second) to be able to recognize and click the Pushbutton.
- Sometimes (rarely) Date is Set Correctly;
- Day of Week is not show 99% of the times;
- Time is slightly delayed (when is set "almost" correctly);
Result Example:
// Result with Errors
// |TUE MAI 209|
// | 06:36:59 |
// Result Expected
// |TUE 23 MAR 2019|
// | 06:36:59 |
A way to solve this issue (Everything Works Well Except the RTC Clock).
Perhaps a better approach (avoiding extreme hardcoding and in the same class.
I find it hard to understand how to use separate classes on a project; and the lack of something similar to intellisense everything feels really tricky and time consuming); -
To know and understand the behaviour of the lines bellow.
*Do any of these lines set the Clock with PC (or Project) DateTime?
*Do I need to comment them and re-upload the Project everytime I need to set the Clock?
// rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));
// rtc.adjust(DateTime(now.unixtime() + 10)); // Set Time
My Actual Code:
#include <DHT.h>; // DHT22 | AM2302 (Temperature & Humidity)
#include "OneButton.h" // Push Button
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // LCD
#include <Wire.h>
#include "RTClib.h"
// Constants
#define DHTPIN 13 // DHT Sensor Pin
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // Initializes DHT Sensor (for Normal 16mhz Arduino)
// RTC
RTC_DS1307 rtc;
DateTime now;
// LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); // Arduino Uno Pins
// DHT 22 | AM2302
float hum; // Stores : Humidity Value
float temp; // Stores : Temperature Value
// Push Button
OneButton button(A0, true); // Setup a new OneButton on pin A1.
// Menu
int menuPage = 1;
// Millis
unsigned long currentMillis; // Used to get Current Millis Value
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // Used to Store the Last Time the LED was Updated
// setup code here, to run once:
void setup()
dht.begin(); // Initializes DHT22
InitRTC(); // Initialize RTC
lcd.begin(16,2); // Initializes LCD
lcd.clear(); // Clears LCD
lcd.setCursor(4, 0); // Sets LCD Cursor Position
PrntWelcome(); // Print Welcome Message
// Push Button(s)
button.attachClick(ButtonClick); // Assigns a Push Button to a Method (Similar as Assigning an Event)
void loop()
button.tick(); // Keeps tracking for Push Button Click on Every Machine Tick
currentMillis = millis(); // Get Current Millis Value
if (millisDelay(1000))
case 0: break;
case 1: PrntRTC(); break;
case 2: PrntDHT22(); break;
case 3: lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Menu 3"); break;
case 4: lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Menu 4"); break;
// a) If the Difference between "actual millis().Value" and the "millis().(Value when the last event occurred) is
// b) "Equals" or "Superior to" : "Specified Interval Value" (delay time)
// c) then Do Something.
bool millisDelay(long interval) // Returns true when Time Marker is Reached
bool isReady = false;
// Check to see if it's time to change LED state
if ((currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval))
previousMillis = currentMillis; // Set previousMillis value to Remember the "last time marker"; so it can make Comparisons
isReady = true;
return isReady;
void GoMainPage() // MENU : Returns and Diplays Main Page
menuPage = 0;
void ButtonClick() // PUSHBUTTON : Button Click
if (menuPage < 4) { menuPage ++; }
else { menuPage = 1; }
void PrntWelcome() // LCD : Print Welcome Message
// Row, Line
lcd.setCursor(6, 0);
lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
lcd.print("Ricardo Garcia");
void PrntDHT22() // DHT22 : Print Sensor Readings
// Read data and store it to variables hum and temp
hum = dht.readHumidity();
temp = dht.readTemperature();
if(!isnan(temp) && !isnan(hum))
// Print temp and humidity values to LCD
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Tmp: " + String(temp) + " C");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Hum: " + String(hum) + " %");
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Failed Reading");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
void InitRTC() // RTC : RTC Initialization and DateTime Store Configuration
if (!rtc.isrunning())
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("RTC is NOT running!");
// rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));
rtc.adjust(DateTime(now.unixtime() + 10)); // Set Time
void PrntRTC() // RTC : Print RTC Date & Time
now =;
// Date
int _day =;
String dd;
if (_day < 10 ) { dd = "0" + _day; } // Assign Day (Add Zero if Necessary)
else { dd = _day; }
int _month = now.month();
String MM;
if (_month < 10) { MM = "0" + String(_month); } // Assign Month (Add Zero if Necessary)
else { MM = String(_month); }
int _year = now.year();
// Time
int _hour = now.hour(); // Get the hours right now
String hh;
if (_hour < 10){ hh = "0" + String(_hour); } // Assign Hours (Add Zero if Necessary)
else { hh = String(_hour); }
int _minute = now.minute(); // Get the minutes right now
String mm;
if (_minute < 10){ mm = "0" + String(_minute); } // Assign Minutes (Add Zero if Necessary)
else { mm = String(_minute); }
int _second = now.second(); // Get the seconds right now
String ss;
if (_second < 10){ ss = "0" + String(_second); } // Assign Seconds (Add Zero if Necessary)
else { ss = String(_second); }
// Set Date
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // Row, Line
lcd.print(GetDOW()); // Print Day of Week
lcd.setCursor(4, 0); // Row, Line
lcd.print(dd + " " + GetMonthName() + " " + String(_year)); // Print Date
// Set Time
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Row, Line
lcd.print(hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss); // Print Time
String GetDOW() // RTC : Get Date & Time
String _dow;
case 1: _dow = "Mon"; break;
case 2: _dow = "Tue"; break;
case 3: _dow = "Wed"; break;
case 4: _dow = "Thu"; break;
case 5: _dow = "Fri"; break;
case 6: _dow = "Sat"; break;
case 0: _dow = "Sun"; break;
return _dow;
String GetMonthName() // RTC : Get Month Name
String _month;
case 1: _month = "Jan"; break;
case 2: _month = "Feb"; break;
case 3: _month = "Mar"; break;
case 4: _month = "Abr"; break;
case 5: _month = "Mai"; break;
case 6: _month = "Jun"; break;
case 7: _month = "Jul"; break;
case 8: _month = "Aug"; break;
case 9: _month = "Sep"; break;
case 10: _month = "Oct"; break;
case 11: _month = "Nov"; break;
case 12: _month = "Dez"; break;
return _month;