DS3231 not keeping time on battery

English its not my native lenguage, sorry in advance:

I'm trying to make a led clock, but i have a problem with a DS3231 (ZS-042)
So far i can set the time and if the ds3231 is on vcc the "clock is running"
But if i turn off the arduino the clock stops running.

When i use a code to only see the time from the module i get the time from the moment i turn off the arduino. Not the compilation time, but neither the correct one.

Im using a new CR2032 cell battery, am aware of the problem with the charge.

Allready checked EOSC and is in ZERO and OSF also in ZERO

I ran out of ideas, any comment will be helpfull!!

Post your code, using code tags.

I use this to set the time, is a example of the DS3232RTC library

#include <DS3232RTC.h>        //http://github.com/JChristensen/DS3232RTC
#include <Streaming.h>        //http://arduiniana.org/libraries/streaming/
#include <Time.h>             //http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/Time
#include <Wire.h>             //http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/Wire

void setup(void)
    //setSyncProvider() causes the Time library to synchronize with the
    //external RTC by calling RTC.get() every five minutes by default.
    Serial << F("RTC Sync");
    if (timeStatus() != timeSet) Serial << F(" FAIL!");
    Serial << endl;

void loop(void)
    static time_t tLast;
    time_t t;
    tmElements_t tm;

    //check for input to set the RTC, minimum length is 12, i.e. yy,m,d,h,m,s
    if (Serial.available() >= 12) {
        //note that the tmElements_t Year member is an offset from 1970,
        //but the RTC wants the last two digits of the calendar year.
        //use the convenience macros from Time.h to do the conversions.
        int y = Serial.parseInt();
        if (y >= 100 && y < 1000)
            Serial << F("Error: Year must be two digits or four digits!") << endl;
        else {
            if (y >= 1000)
                tm.Year = CalendarYrToTm(y);
            else    //(y < 100)
                tm.Year = y2kYearToTm(y);
            tm.Month = Serial.parseInt();
            tm.Day = Serial.parseInt();
            tm.Hour = Serial.parseInt();
            tm.Minute = Serial.parseInt();
            tm.Second = Serial.parseInt();
            t = makeTime(tm);
            RTC.set(t);        //use the time_t value to ensure correct weekday is set
            Serial << F("RTC set to: ");
            Serial << endl;
            //dump any extraneous input
            while (Serial.available() > 0) Serial.read();
    t = now();
    if (t != tLast) {
        tLast = t;
        if (second(t) == 0) {
            float c = RTC.temperature() / 4.;
            float f = c * 9. / 5. + 32.;
            Serial << F("  ") << c << F(" C  ") << f << F(" F");
        Serial << endl;

//print date and time to Serial
void printDateTime(time_t t)
    Serial << ' ';

//print time to Serial
void printTime(time_t t)
    printI00(hour(t), ':');
    printI00(minute(t), ':');
    printI00(second(t), ' ');

//print date to Serial
void printDate(time_t t)
    printI00(day(t), 0);
    Serial << monthShortStr(month(t)) << _DEC(year(t));

//Print an integer in "00" format (with leading zero),
//followed by a delimiter character to Serial.
//Input value assumed to be between 0 and 99.
void printI00(int val, char delim)
    if (val < 10) Serial << '0';
    Serial << _DEC(val);
    if (delim > 0) Serial << delim;

and this one to check

 * TimeRTC.pde
 * Example code illustrating Time library with Real Time Clock.
 * This example is identical to the example provided with the Time Library,
 * only the #include statement has been changed to include the DS3232RTC library.

#include <DS3232RTC.h>    //http://github.com/JChristensen/DS3232RTC
#include <Time.h>         //http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/Time  
#include <Wire.h>         //http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/Wire (included with Arduino IDE)

void setup(void)
    setSyncProvider(RTC.get);   // the function to get the time from the RTC
    if(timeStatus() != timeSet) 
        Serial.println("Unable to sync with the RTC");
        Serial.println("RTC has set the system time");      

void loop(void)

void digitalClockDisplay(void)
    // digital clock display of the time
    Serial.print(' ');
    Serial.print(' ');
    Serial.print(' ');

void printDigits(int digits)
    // utility function for digital clock display: prints preceding colon and leading 0
    if(digits < 10)

You say you are aware of the charging problem with these boards, but have you modified the board in any way? Normally people remove the charging resistor or the diode, or cut a trace.

This is necessary if you are using a CR2032 battery.

It is possible that you have a defective board. There are many counterfeits of the DS3231 chip.

May be, is from aliexpress. I probably will cut the trace, but now es like new.

It appears that the chip is not running under batter power. You say you tried a new battery.

It's possible that there is a repairable defect in the module. Have you confirmed that you can measure Vbat at the actual pin of the chip? If Vbat is not present, there may be a defective battery holder, wiring problem or trace which can be fixed.

If Vbat is present at the chip pin, and the time is not correct after you set the time, remove power, and restart under Vcc, then you may have a counterfeit/defective chip.

I will measure tomorrow. The module brought no battery, so I bought one.

The module dont lose the time set, but the clock dont run if it is on bvat.

I took a borrowed cell and it works perfectly! I should have checked first.

Thanks for your time Jremington and cattledog!!