Dumping content of atmega2560 chip

I have two atmega2560 , one is running a code that i no longer have access to (lost the pde file ) and I need to replicate that code into the other mega2560, is that possible ?
If yes, how can I dump the entire program running on that mega just using my other mega?

Kind Regards

You will need to use avrdude with an ISP programmer that supports the stk500v2 protocol that can read and write flash to the m2560 address space. You could use something like an AVRISPmkII programmer that uses the stk500v2 protocol.

There may be a software sketch like Arduino as ISP as a programmer, unfortunately the Arduino as ISP does not properly support the m2560 address space.

Nick Gammon's sketch (http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=11638) can write an image to a m2560 but not read it.