EEPROM emulation on the new Nano types

The Nano Classic an also Nano Every has a couple of EEPROM. The other new types

  • Nano 33 IOT
  • Nano 33 BLE [Sense]
    has no EEPROM. So the compatibility has one big hole more!
    Some ESP2866 type emulates EEPROM at a FLASH page. This should be done please for the both new types w/o EEPROM.
    I need this property for storing some SSID/password pairs.

for SAMD (33 IoT) GitHub - cmaglie/FlashStorage: A convenient way to store data into Flash memory on the ATSAMD21 and ATSAMD51 processor family

Thank you - but sorry, it doesn't help for me. In the is a question with a very exact answer:

Q: The content of the FlashStorage is erased each time a new sketch is uploaded?
A: Yes, every time you upload a new sketch, the previous content of the FlashStorage is erased.

During program optimisation there are some new uploads...
When I have stored some value pairs, they should stay permanently - even like an EEPROM.
The ESP8266 people have a solution, it looks like a special file, available also after reset/powerup and upload a new sketch.

Thank you - but sorry, it doesn't help for me. In the is a question with a very exact answer:

Q: The content of the FlashStorage is erased each time a new sketch is uploaded?
A: Yes, every time you upload a new sketch, the previous content of the FlashStorage is erased.

During program optimisation there are some new uploads...
When I have stored some value pairs, they should stay permanently - even like an EEPROM.
The ESP8266 people have a solution, it looks like a special file, available also after reset/powerup and upload a new sketch.

the source of the Q&A?

OK - very simple: I followed your link (to Github cmaglie/FlashStorage). In the "" there is a chapter "FAQ" with this question/answer.

the library is half-baked. the EEPROM emulation should be in a region of flash which can be protected by the EEPROM fuse

What about the "Nano 33 BLE Sense", is there any library for EEPROM emulation? or at least a project to write any?
That would be great...

it seems that the EEPROM Emulation which uses flash is erased (not preserved) when you flash the chip. I was able to confirm this with the following code. I searched through the documentation and didn't see this referenced. Turns out that I missed this setting: To preserve code DESELECT

If I deselect it, my data is preserved. Makes sense... wish it was in the documentation

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