EEPROM.get problem


I'm trying to use EEPROM.get() to save floats to the onboard EEPROM, and am getting an odd error.

This is the code section where I'm defining the float variables, then trying to read them from the EEPROM during the initialisation of the code. The EEPROM addresses are declared at the beginning of the code.

float rainAnnual;
float rainMonthly;
float rainDaily;
float rainHourly;
EEPROM.get(rainAnnualEEPROM, rainAnnual);
EEPROM.get(rainMonthlyEEPROM, rainMonthly);
EEPROM.get(rainDailyEEPROM, rainDaily);
EEPROM.get(rainHourlyEEPROM, rainHourly);

The error message returned during compilation is:
exit status 1
'EEPROM' does not name a type

The code uses the same format as examples I've seen, so I'm not sure what it is looking for. Any assistance is appreciated.


I'd use "put"

I think you need to post your code.
(Sorry if that sounds obvious)


I have used .put later in the code when values have changed. At this point in the code, everything is initialising, so I want to retrieve the values that were previously saved so that the code can continue from where it left off without resetting all the long-term data

...that we still can't see.

Here is the initialisation code:

 * 1 Mar 2023 Added Blynk
 * 7 Mar 2023 Added RTC for daily resets
 * 1 Apr 2023 Added EEPROM registers to save values for reload after restart
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <WidgetRTC.h>

// Set up EEPROM Registers
#define tipCountEEPROM      0 // int
#define tipsPerHourEEPROM   5 // float
#define mmRainEEPROM        10 // float
#define rateEEPROM          15 // float
#define volumeTippedEEPROM  20 // float
#define rainHourlyEEPROM    25 // float
#define rainDailyEEPROM     30 // float
#define rainMonthlyEEPROM   35 // float
#define rainAnnualEEPROM    40 // float

#define irsPin 23 // bucket tip sensor pin

// Set up RTC
const char* ntpServer = "";
const long  gmtOffset_sec = 43200; //43200 for NZ STD time
const int   daylightOffset_sec = 46800; //46800 for DST

// rainfall quantums
float rainAnnual;
float rainMonthly;
float rainDaily;
float rainHourly;
EEPROM.get(rainAnnualEEPROM, rainAnnual);
EEPROM.get(rainMonthlyEEPROM, rainMonthly);
EEPROM.get(rainDailyEEPROM, rainDaily);
EEPROM.get(rainHourlyEEPROM, rainHourly);

That code isn't in a function.
Try putting it in setup, or a function called by setup.

You have never seen example code written like that.

That's done, but you have to do it in a function

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OH :open_mouth:
I didn't realise that. Thanks.

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