EEPROM Opta Advance

Hi Guys,
accustomed with Arduino MEGA, I found that unfortunately in the Arduino Opta there is no internal eeprom.
I read the official article, having immense difficulty Reading and Writing Flash Memory ma è davvero complesso per me capirne il significato.
Purtroppo OPTA pur avendo l'I2C non è possibile configurarlo. Altrimenti potevo risolvere utilizzando la mia amata library EEPROM by connecting an external eeprom in I2C.
I've had my OPTA for two days and connected it to my Arduino cloud.
I wonder, would it be possible that when the Arduino is turned on it first reads the latest data sent to the cloud so as to overwrite it internally and then continue updating the data in the cloud?
I really need to save critical data for my project in an EEPROM like I did with my Arduino MEGA but it seems like I can't figure it out anymore...
please, I ask for your help!