I am a high school teacher who bought 8 of the Engineering Kits. My intention was, maybe wrongly, to use them year after year. I have eight lab stations. Can I register them all under me as the teacher so any student coming in can use them or are they slaved to a specific student only. If the later, can you unregister a kit from a student at the end of the lesson? Thanks
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Thank you, but that is not what I asked. I saw that in the FAQ section.
Can I register them all under me as the teacher so any student coming in can use them or are they slaved to a specific student only. If the later, can you unregister a kit from a student at the end of the lesson? Thanks
I assume by "same space" it refers to a user account as opposed to a single computer. If that is the case, then what is the point of buying classroom kits? How can I register my 8 kits so they can be used on 8 different computers at the same time?
Please do not cut and paste from more FAQs, I can read. There is no explanation how to use multiple student kits as a teacher. MatLab and SimuLink need to be loaded on my 8 computers. How can this be done by the teacher?
Document Arduino Education Starter Kit FAQ
suggests you utilize this link Contact us | Arduino
To communicate regarding Education kits and issues pertaining to registration.
One interesting tidbit I noticed:
While the statement does not specifically state that the associated "kit" can be reassigned, my suspictions are that it can be reused.
As a retired EE who taught IT classes to adults, I freely admit I have no experience teaching youth. In contemplating "reuse", I would think that a serial-numbered kit with back-end lessons and support would be considered a consumable and at the end-of-semister the student would keep the kit, notes, and project plans to take home and perhaps continue to learn independently.
Art classes do not wash the canvases with paint thinner and reuse to my knowledge. (At least, not yet.) I understand that the world-wide economy is poor but to my old eyes it appears that "sparking the light of knowledge and possibilities" in a student with a learning kit is not well served when the unit is taken away at the completion of the classwork.
Good luck with your classes.
HOW ever did I ever confuse copy/pasted question with copy/pasted FAQ?
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