Error flashing the sketch:Unauthorized

I am using ArduinoOTA and the IDE 2.2.1 to upload sketches to my Uno R4 WiFi via OTA. The setup is working and I can choose the the port for the Uno R4 WiFi after uploading WiFi101_OTA (using #include <WiFiS3.h> instead of WiFiNINA.h).

If I power the Uno R4 WiFi from an external source and try to upload the Blink example, I am asked for a password, as I have never set a password I simply enter a single space. I then get the following messages:

Connecting to board ... done
Uploading sketch ... done
Flashing sketch ... done
Error flashing the sketch:Unauthorized
Fehlgeschlagenes Hochladen: Hochladefehler: exit status 1

That last line translated reads "Upload error: exit status 1"

Why isn't the sketch uploading?

password is "password"

ArduinoOTA.begin(WiFi.localIP(), "Arduino", "password", InternalStorage);
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