ESP serves as temputer sensor via esp-now

I am working on a project where I want to make a wireless temperature sensor I have in my air conditioner 3 wires that normally have a temperature sensor on them but I want to connect an esp and then a second esp with a temperature sensor that communicate with each other via esp-now

can some one help me with te wireing and code thanks

There are plenty of tutorials on using ESP32 with a temperature sensor, and using two of them to transmit data. is a good place to start.

oke thanks but i get the reciving part so esp1 but to send that data of the sensor to another and like send it out via gpio pin

That was clear in the first post.

thank you i just need to get the data and send it out
to the athore and send it via the gpio pin

First get temperature sensor working properly, then learn how to transmit the data to another ESP32.

yeah oke but i have a temputure sensor with 2 wires dont know the wire diagram

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