Esp32 with NRF24l01

I want to use esp-32 with NRF24l01(This is circuit is used as Receiver) in my project. And I use below code for checking module is working or not. But the results are not matched as mention in the code.


  If your serial output has these values same then Your nrf24l01 module is in working condition :
  EN_AA          = 0x3f
  EN_RXADDR      = 0x02
  RF_CH          = 0x4c
  RF_SETUP       = 0x03
  CONFIG         = 0x0f
  This code is under public domain
  Last updated on 21/08/28

#include <SPI.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <printf.h>

RF24 radio(7, 8);

byte addresses[][6] = {"1Node", "2Node"};

void setup() {
  radio.openReadingPipe(1, addresses[1]); 


void loop() {
//  empty


PIN Diagram :- CE -- D4 , CSN -- D5 , SCK -- D18, MOSI -- D23, MISO -- D19, IRQ -- Not connected
Library used:- GitHub - nhatuan84/RF24: Optimized fork of nRF24L01 for Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux Devices
Transmitter Circuit :- Arduino uno , water level sensor , NRF24l01 (Given code is working perfectly in Arduino)

ESP-32 used:- ESP32-Wroom-32 with 30 pins

I moved your topic to a more appropriate forum category @ak_ajay.

The Nano ESP32 category you chose is only used for discussions directly related to the Arduino Nano ESP32 board.

In the future, please take the time to pick the forum category that best suits the subject of your question. There is an "About the _____ category" topic at the top of each category that explains its purpose.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

have a read of how-to-get-the-best-out-of-this-forum

what ESP32 module are you using? give a link?
how have you connected the NRF24l01 to the ESP32?
what is the transmitter? another ESP32 with NRF24l01?
have you tested the link with File>Example>RF24>gettingStarted

Edit: is your ESP32 this one

Yes I used esp32 which you mention. I also used a 10 micro farad capacitor for connect NRF24l01 with esp32 at vcc and gnd pin of NRF24l01.

PIN Diagram :- CE -- D4 , CSN -- D5 , SCK -- D18, MOSI -- D23, MISO -- D19, IRQ -- Not connected, VCC--3.3v , GND -- GND

Transmitter Circuit :- Arduino uno , NRF24l01 (Given code is working perfectly in Arduino)

does notmatch the statement in code of post 1

RF24 radio(7, 8);

should it be

RF24 radio(4,5);

Really sorry for that its 4 and 5

Please help quickly if possible
because i want to make project with it

Below is the output after running above code with ESP32 and NRF24l01.
But not match with the result of given code that is placed in code.

rst:0x8 (TG1WDT_SYS_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805e4

suggest you put some prints in the code to get some idea what is going on
e.g. an example I am running on a UNO

void setup() {
  if (radio.isChipConnected())
    Serial.println("\n\nTransmitter NF24 connected to SPI");
  else Serial.println("\n\nNF24 is NOT connected to SPI");

No I want to run on esp32

Is the coding for Arduino Uno and esp32 are same?

My transmitter circuit is Arduino Uno and it is running fine.
But problem with esp32

Let's get more specific about esp-32. I followed this Tutorial

I work on 2nd case i.e from Arduino to esp-32
Arduino => run fine
Esp-32=> error (No radio available)

coding for UNO and ESP32 should be the same apart from module pin settings

do you get a message like "Transmitter NF24 NOT connected to SPI" or does the communication fail at a later stage?
upload serial monitor output (as text not a screen image)

Receiver :-

#include <SPI.h>
#include "nRF24L01.h"
#include "RF24.h"
char msg[6];
RF24 radio(12, 14, 26, 25, 27);
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL;
void setup(void){

void loop(void){
 if (radio.available()){, 6);      
  Serial.println("No radio available");

serial monitor output:-
No radio available
No radio available
No radio available
No radio available
No radio available
No radio available

Transmitter :-

#include  <SPI.h>
#include "nRF24L01.h"
#include "RF24.h"
char msg[6] = "hello";
RF24 radio(7,8);
//const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL;

void setup(void) {
void loop(void) {
  Serial.println("send ...");
  radio.write(msg, 6);

serial output monitor:-
send ...

send ...

send ...

send ...

send ...

send ...

Threw together this circuit with a FireBeetle ESP32 and an nRF24L01.

Grabbed an old test sketch written for an Uno and changed the CE and CSN numbers (note the D3 and D4 notation for the ESP32, NOT 3 and 4):

#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <printf.h>

RF24 radio(D3, D4); // CE, CSN
const byte rxAddr[6] = "00001";
const byte txAddr[6] = "00002";

void initRadio() {
   if( !radio.begin() ) {
      Serial.println("Radio not responding");
      while( true );
   radio.failureDetected = false;
   radio.openWritingPipe(txAddr);      // Setting the address at which we will send the data
   radio.openReadingPipe(1, rxAddr);
   radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW);      // You can set it as minimum or maximum depending on the distance between the transmitter and receiver. 
   radio.startListening();             // This sets the module as receiver

void setup() {

void loop()  {  
   if(radio.available() ) {
      char c = 0;, sizeof c);
   if( radio.failureDetected ) {
      Serial.println("Failure detected");

And this is the serial output when the corresponding transmitter sketch was loaded into a nearby Uno:

--- Miniterm on /dev/ttyUSB0  115200,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
SPI Frequency		= 10 Mhz
Channel			= 76 (~ 2476 MHz)
RF Data Rate		= 1 MBPS
RF Power Amplifier	= PA_LOW
RF Low Noise Amplifier	= Enabled
CRC Length		= 16 bits
Address Length		= 5 bytes
Static Payload Length	= 32 bytes
Auto Retry Delay	= 500 microseconds
Auto Retry Attempts	= 15 maximum
Packets lost on
    current channel	= 0
Retry attempts made for
    last transmission	= 0
Multicast		= Disabled
Custom ACK Payload	= Disabled
Dynamic Payloads	= Disabled
Auto Acknowledgment	= Enabled
Primary Mode		= RX
TX address		= 0x3230303030
pipe 0 (closed) bound	= 0x3230303030
pipe 1 ( open ) bound	= 0x3130303030
pipe 2 (closed) bound	= 0xc3
pipe 3 (closed) bound	= 0xc4
pipe 4 (closed) bound	= 0xc5
pipe 5 (closed) bound	= 0xc6

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid  of their country.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip
ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in
reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Conclusion: nRF24L01 works just fine with the ESP32.

test of a couple of ESP32 NodeMCU with NRF24L10 transmitting a structure containg several data types

//  NRF24L10 transmitter test using a structure


// UNO connections
// arduino SCK pin 11 goes to NRF24L10_pin SCK
// arduino MISO pin 12 goes to NRF24L10_pin MI
// arduino MOSI pin 13 goes to NRF24L10_pin MO
// NRF24L10 CE to arduino pin 9
// NRF24L10 CSN to arduino pin10

// ESP32 connections
// ESP32 SCK pin GPIO18 goes to NRF24L10_pin SCK
// ESP32 MISO pin GPIO19 goes to NRF24L10_pin MI
// ESP32 MOSI pin GPIO23 goes to NRF24L10_pin MO
// NRF24L10 CE to ESP32 pin GPIO4
// NRF24L10 CSN to ESP32 pin GPIO 5

#include <SPI.h>
#include "RF24.h"

struct __attribute__((packed)) Struct1 {    // test data structure
  uint8_t seq;          // sequence number
  uint8_t id;           // node ID if multiple transmitters
  uint16_t temperature;
  float voltage;
  uint8_t crc;          // CRC check
} data = { 0, 1, 10, 3.14159, 0 };          // initial test data

// for this test using a simple checksum - replace with CRC check
unsigned char checksum(unsigned char *data, uint8_t *crc) {
  unsigned char sum = 0;
  while (data != crc) {
    sum += *data;
  return sum;

bool radioNumber = 0;
RF24 radio(4, 5);  //CE and CSN

byte addresses[][6] = { "1Node", "2Node" };

void setup() {
  if (radio.isChipConnected())
    Serial.println("\n\nTransmitter NF24 connected to SPI");
  else Serial.println("\n\nNF24 is NOT connected to SPI");
  if (radioNumber) {
    radio.openReadingPipe(1, addresses[0]);
  } else {
    radio.openReadingPipe(1, addresses[1]);
  Serial.print("data sizeof (bytes):  ");   // print size of data structure in bytes

// loop transmiting data packet
void loop() {
  static int errors = 0, frames = 0;
  data.crc = checksum((unsigned char *)&data, &data.crc);
  Serial.print("Tx Frame: ");
  Serial.print(" seq:   ");
  Serial.print("  temperature:   ");
  Serial.print("  voltage:   ");
  Serial.print("  crc: 0x");
  Serial.print(data.crc, HEX);
  if (!radio.write(&data, sizeof(data))) {    // transmit packet
    Serial.print(F(" Tx failed "));
  } else {
    Serial.print(" Tx OK! - errorrs ");
  data.seq++;             // update test data
  data.temperature += 5;
  data.voltage += 5.0f;


//  NRF24L10 receiver test using a structure

// UNO connections
// arduino SCK pin 11 goes to NRF24L10_pin SCK
// arduino MISO pin 12 goes to NRF24L10_pin MI
// arduino MOSI pin 13 goes to NRF24L10_pin MO
// NRF24L10 CE to arduino pin 9
// NRF24L10 CSN to arduino pin10

// ESP32 connections
// ESP32 SCK pin GPIO18 goes to NRF24L10_pin SCK
// ESP32 MISO pin GPIO19 goes to NRF24L10_pin MI
// ESP32 MOSI pin GPIO23 goes to NRF24L10_pin MO
// NRF24L10 CE to ESP32 pin GPIO4
// NRF24L10 CSN to ESP32 pin GPIO 5

#include <SPI.h>
#include <RF24.h>

struct __attribute__((packed)) Struct1 {  // test data structure
  uint8_t seq;                            // sequence number
  uint8_t id;                             // node ID if multiple transmitters
  uint16_t temperature;
  float voltage;
  uint8_t crc;  // CRC check
} data;

// for this test using a simple checksum - replace with CRC check
unsigned char checksum(unsigned char *data, uint8_t *crc) {
  unsigned char sum = 0;
  while (data != crc) {
    sum += *data;
  return sum;

#define CE_PIN 4
#define CSN_PIN 5

bool radioNumber = 1;
const uint8_t pipes[][6] = { "1Node", "2Node" };

RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN);

char dataReceived[10];  // this must match dataToSend in the TX
bool newData = false;


void setup() {
  if (radio.isChipConnected())
    Serial.println("\n\nReceiver NF24 connected to SPI");
  else {
    Serial.println("\n\nNF24 is NOT connected to SPI");
    while (1)
  // radio.setDataRate(RF24_1MBPS);
  if (!radioNumber) {
    radio.openReadingPipe(1, pipes[1]);
  } else {
    radio.openReadingPipe(1, pipes[0]);
  Serial.print("data sizeof (bytes):  ");  // print size of data structure in bytes


void loop() {
  static uint8_t seq_check = 0;
  static int crcErrors = 0, seqErrors = 0, frames = 0;
  if (radio.available()) {
    while (radio.available()) {
      int length = radio.getPayloadSize();
      Serial.print("received ");
      if (length != sizeof(data)) {
        Serial.println(" bytes - invalid packet size!");
      Serial.print(" bytes Frame No: ");
      Serial.print(++frames);, sizeof(data));
      Serial.print("  temperature:   ");
      Serial.print("  voltage:   ");
      Serial.print(" crc: 0x");
      Serial.print(data.crc, HEX);
      if (checksum((unsigned char *)&data, &data.crc) == data.crc)
        Serial.print(" CRC OK  ");
      else {
        Serial.print(" CRC ERROR!  ");
      Serial.print(" errors ");
      Serial.print(" seq:   ");
      if (seq_check == data.seq) Serial.print(" seq OK  - ");
      else {
        Serial.print(" seq error! expected ");
      Serial.print(" - seq errors ");
      seq_check = ++data.seq;

transmitter serial monitor output

Transmitter NF24 connected to SPI
data sizeof (bytes):  9
Tx Frame: 1 seq:   0  temperature:   10  voltage:   3.14  crc: 0x73 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 2 seq:   1  temperature:   15  voltage:   8.14  crc: 0x8B Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 3 seq:   2  temperature:   20  voltage:   13.14  crc: 0xE1 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 4 seq:   3  temperature:   25  voltage:   18.14  crc: 0xA Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 5 seq:   4  temperature:   30  voltage:   23.14  crc: 0x38 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 6 seq:   5  temperature:   35  voltage:   28.14  crc: 0x66 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 7 seq:   6  temperature:   40  voltage:   33.14  crc: 0x2 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 8 seq:   7  temperature:   45  voltage:   38.14  crc: 0x1C Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 9 seq:   8  temperature:   50  voltage:   43.14  crc: 0x36 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 10 seq:   9  temperature:   55  voltage:   48.14  crc: 0x50 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 11 seq:   10  temperature:   60  voltage:   53.14  crc: 0x6A Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 12 seq:   11  temperature:   65  voltage:   58.14  crc: 0x84 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 13 seq:   12  temperature:   70  voltage:   63.14  crc: 0x9E Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 14 seq:   13  temperature:   75  voltage:   68.14  crc: 0xE9 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 15 seq:   14  temperature:   80  voltage:   73.14  crc: 0xF9 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 16 seq:   15  temperature:   85  voltage:   78.14  crc: 0x9 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 17 seq:   16  temperature:   90  voltage:   83.14  crc: 0x19 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 18 seq:   17  temperature:   95  voltage:   88.14  crc: 0x29 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1345 seq:   64  temperature:   6730  voltage:   6723.14  crc: 0xF7 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1346 seq:   65  temperature:   6735  voltage:   6728.14  crc: 0x25 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1347 seq:   66  temperature:   6740  voltage:   6733.14  crc: 0x53 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1348 seq:   67  temperature:   6745  voltage:   6738.14  crc: 0x81 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1349 seq:   68  temperature:   6750  voltage:   6743.14  crc: 0xAF Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1350 seq:   69  temperature:   6755  voltage:   6748.14  crc: 0xDD Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1351 seq:   70  temperature:   6760  voltage:   6753.14  crc: 0xC Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1352 seq:   71  temperature:   6765  voltage:   6758.14  crc: 0x3A Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 1353 seq:   72  temperature:   6770  voltage:   6763.14  crc: 0x68 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22779 seq:   250  temperature:   48364  voltage:   113893.14  crc: 0xCC Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22780 seq:   251  temperature:   48369  voltage:   113898.14  crc: 0x55 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22781 seq:   252  temperature:   48374  voltage:   113903.14  crc: 0xDD Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22782 seq:   253  temperature:   48379  voltage:   113908.14  crc: 0x66 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22783 seq:   254  temperature:   48384  voltage:   113913.14  crc: 0xEF Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22784 seq:   255  temperature:   48389  voltage:   113918.14  crc: 0x78 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22785 seq:   0  temperature:   48394  voltage:   113923.14  crc: 0x0 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22786 seq:   1  temperature:   48399  voltage:   113928.14  crc: 0x89 Tx OK! - errorrs 0
Tx Frame: 22787 seq:   2  temperature:   48404  voltage:   113933.14  crc: 0x11 Tx OK! - errorrs 0

receiver serial monitor output

Receiver NF24 connected to SPI
SPI Speedz	= 10 Mhz
RX_ADDR_P0-1	= 0x65646f4e32 0x65646f4e31
RX_ADDR_P2-5	= 0xc3 0xc4 0xc5 0xc6
TX_ADDR		= 0x65646f4e32
RX_PW_P0-6	= 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20 0x20
EN_AA		= 0x3f
EN_RXADDR	= 0x03
RF_CH		= 0x7d
RF_SETUP	= 0x27
CONFIG		= 0x0e
DYNPD/FEATURE	= 0x00 0x00
Data Rate	= 250 KBPS
Model		= nRF24L01+
CRC Length	= 16 bits
PA Power	= PA_MAX
ARC		= 0
data sizeof (bytes):  9
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1  temperature:   10  voltage:   3.14 crc: 0x73 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   0 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 2  temperature:   15  voltage:   8.14 crc: 0x8B CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   1 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 3  temperature:   20  voltage:   13.14 crc: 0xE1 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   2 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 4  temperature:   25  voltage:   18.14 crc: 0xA CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   3 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 5  temperature:   30  voltage:   23.14 crc: 0x38 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   4 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 6  temperature:   35  voltage:   28.14 crc: 0x66 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   5 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 7  temperature:   40  voltage:   33.14 crc: 0x2 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   6 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 8  temperature:   45  voltage:   38.14 crc: 0x1C CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   7 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1349  temperature:   6750  voltage:   6743.14 crc: 0xAF CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   68 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1350  temperature:   6755  voltage:   6748.14 crc: 0xDD CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   69 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1351  temperature:   6760  voltage:   6753.14 crc: 0xC CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   70 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1352  temperature:   6765  voltage:   6758.14 crc: 0x3A CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   71 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1353  temperature:   6770  voltage:   6763.14 crc: 0x68 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   72 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1354  temperature:   6775  voltage:   6768.14 crc: 0x96 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   73 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1355  temperature:   6780  voltage:   6773.14 crc: 0xC4 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   74 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1356  temperature:   6785  voltage:   6778.14 crc: 0xF2 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   75 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1357  temperature:   6790  voltage:   6783.14 crc: 0x20 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   76 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 1358  temperature:   6795  voltage:   6788.14 crc: 0x4F CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   77 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 22692  temperature:   47929  voltage:   113458.14 crc: 0x67 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   163 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 22693  temperature:   47934  voltage:   113463.14 crc: 0xEF CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   164 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 22694  temperature:   47939  voltage:   113468.14 crc: 0x78 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   165 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 22695  temperature:   47944  voltage:   113473.14 crc: 0x0 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   166 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 22696  temperature:   47949  voltage:   113478.14 crc: 0x89 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   167 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 22697  temperature:   47954  voltage:   113483.14 crc: 0x11 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   168 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 22698  temperature:   47959  voltage:   113488.14 crc: 0x9A CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   169 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0
received 9 bytes Frame No: 22699  temperature:   47964  voltage:   113493.14 crc: 0x22 CRC OK   errors 0 seq:   170 seq OK  -  - seq errors 0

I got this message on my esp32. What should i do?



which ESP32 are you using? if possible give a link
is there anything else connected to the ESP32?
upload the code (using code tags </>)?

if you wish to use the HSPI pins try

// default HSPI pins used by NRF24L01 reader
#define HSPI_SCK 14
#define HSPI_MISO 12
#define HSPI_MOSI 13
#define CSN_PIN 5   // for NRF24L01
#define CE_PIN 4

RF24 radio(400000);                   // NRF24L01 constructor

SPIClass *hspi = new SPIClass(HSPI);  // HSPI object used by NRF24L01

void setup() {
  Serial.println("ESP32 HSPI  > NRF24L01 Receive text");
  hspi->begin(HSPI_SCK, HSPI_MISO, HSPI_MOSI, CSN_PIN); // set HSPI pins
  radio.begin(hspi, CE_PIN, CSN_PIN);                    // initialise NRF24L01
  if (radio.isChipConnected())
    Serial.println("Receiver NF24 connected to SPI");
  else {
    Serial.println("NF24 is NOT connected to SPI");
    while (1)