I've been using the UNO board to program the ESP8266-01s and it works the first couple of times. However the chips just keep getting broken after while. I say this because they overheat after powering them up and I can't program them anymore.
The connection I've been using to program is the following:
UNO -> ESP8266
Rx -> Rx
Tx -> Tx
3,3V -> 3,3V
3,3V -> EN
I've read some things on the internet but nothing precise. I would be thankful for any help you can give me.
To program the ESP-01, you use a purpose-built USB programming adapter: Aliexpress item
At least, that is the manual switching version; here is the automatic version which while it does have the reset button, initiates the programming directly from the Arduino IDE: Aliexpress item
Similarly, to actually use the ESP-01 in a project, a very convenient way is with the cheaper adapter board, plugged into a USB "phone charger" so you have both the 5 V and 3.3 V conveniently and adequately supplied. Aliexpress item
You have three GPIO conveniently available by soldering to the adapter, and the fourth - serial Rx - can be separated from the USB chip if necessary by cutting a track. Using those I/O you can connect port expanders for many more I/O connections and a variety of sensors.
Just being really safe actually, not supposing that 1 mA is actually desirable.
As long as the input capacitance of the ESP does not slow logic transitions, the 10k, mounted close to the ESP, will be just fine.
But I say - get the proper programmer, much more practical if you are going to seriously do this stuff.
By the way, on a **real** UNO, there is already a 1k resistor in series with the output of the 16U2 USB interface chip which is producing 5 V levels, while on a fake UNO, the USB chip may be generating 3.3 V levels anyway. As mentioned, the "328" chip is disabled.
Whoah! Where did Raschemmel's comment, to which I was responding, go?
DON'T do this! You are pumping 5V in to a 3.3V tollerant pin. If you MUST do this, place a 10K resistor in line."
The "L" word is not allowed.
My calculation.
Assuming the max current per pin of the ESP
is 1mA/per pin,
Dropping Resistor value =
= 1.7k
Let Iin=0.010A
.'. (5V-3.3V)/10000 ohms=0.000170A (170uA)
Don't see the logic or justification for 10k.
Where's the data to support that ?
Can you show your work ?
Hi, thanks for the advice. I did as you said and programmed the esp with a nodeMCU. For the ones interested I followed the steps on this video (#7 Flash ESP-01 easily with your NodeMCU - YouTube).
Thank you all.
One way to do it, but I suggest you order - say a couple of - the modules I cited in #9. The links I gave are the cheapest on Aliexpress at this time and i am sure you can afford them.
A month or two down the track when they arrive, it will be much easier to play around with the ESP-01s. I received my order a week back, presently looking for a USB A to A extender cable to get going on trying out all the ESP-1s I have been collecting.