I have this unit : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ESP8266-ESP-01S-5V-WiFi-Relay-Module-Things-Smart-Home-Remote-Control-Switch-for-Arduino-Phone/32841061942.html
The problem is that at boot the relay turns on then off then on again causing any connected devices to flicker.
The relay control pin is connected to GPIO0 which is needed for boot and so the initial state during boot time is unknown.
I set the GPIO0 as output and wrote 1 to the pin at the beginning of the setup().
Also according to this schematic ESP-01S-Relay-v4.0/ESP-01S Relay v4.0.pdf at master · IOT-MCU/ESP-01S-Relay-v4.0 · GitHub , GPI0 is connected to a pullup resistor
Any help would be much appreciated.
ESP-01 and ESP-01S How program and use the Pins and Leds
Please can you elaborate more. The only button in the module is connected to the RESET pin of the ESP8266
I already have added this code
pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(0, LOW); // make GPIO0 output low
What am I missing. I could post the full code if that would make things easier
Is there a trick that could be done to postpone the flickering effect on the AC current till ESP01 boots ?
I added a 470 uF between the 3.3Vcc and GPIO0 that did the trick of delaying the signal till it settles.
Should I add a 1k resistor to limit the current through the capacitor ? or the capacitor alone is fine
April 28, 2019, 7:25am
I added a 470 uF between the 3.3Vcc and GPIO0 that did the trick of delaying the signal till it settles.
Should I add a 1k resistor to limit the current through the capacitor ? or the capacitor alone is fine
Hi i experienced too this problem and i'm interested in this kind of solution, what kind of capacitor did you yoused? Electrolitic or unpolarized? If you used a polarized capacitor where did you connected positive and negative pins?