ESPAsyncWebServer compilation error (example "simple_server.ino")

Supply a link for that page!

BTW, this thread has dragged on longer than it need to because getting information out of you is like pulling teeth. It would have moved along much more quickly had you supplied more complete information in your posts.

The ESPAsyncWebServer library was never added by the @me-no-dev original author to the "official" Arduino library manager and in fact, as someone already pointed out, there isn't even a release in the original repository.
This is the reason why you need to add it manually using zip file.

With Arduino IDE library manager (and therefore also in the reference web page which is generated automatically), you can find a copy from github user @lacamera numbered version 3.1.0 which evidently has not yet been updated to work with the latest version of the ESP32 core (which incidentally is developed, among others, by the github user @me-no-dev).

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Hello cotestatnt,

Many thanks for these informations!
But really it is a lot confusing to have two libraries with the same name and the same purpose, one referenced by Arduino other not ....

My test with esp32 package 3.0.4 and ESPAsyncWebser 2.1.4 is on his way.
I'll late you know, but I'm confident.

Hello gfvalvo,

As requested:

Many thanks for your help ...

As @cotestatnt mentioned, that's a fork of the original library from me-no-dev and it was last updated a year ago. If you want the latest (which includes ESP32 v3.x support), go to

It is what I have done, I'm waiting for the result of my sketches compilation ...

Hello guy's
I'm back on the forum, but this time with good news.
Thank you for your help and patience, my problem is solved.
I hear you, it was simple though... implementation of the wrong library. But frankly, an IDE that points to a library that is not up to date, and the right library that is not referenced in the IDE, is unusual...especially with the same name (!)
From now on, I will be vigilant and download the libraries directly
from Github, without going through the Arduino reference site, too bad....
Again thank you to all of you!

The libraries are written by users who make them available for free and 99.9% of these are also open source.
Libraries are proposed to the Arduino team by adding the link to this repository.

The list of libraries available in the IDE and the generation of the reference page afterwards is done automatically using scripts. The Arduino team intervenes only in case of errors and only carries out a formal check, not a content check.

The burden of verifying that a library work correctly and is well written lies with those who decide to use it.

Usually when I need to use a new library, I'm used to visit the repository and analyze the sources.
If they have been written clearly and I am convinced by the approach that has been adopted, then I try the library with the examples included and only then decide whether to use it or not.

It is understandable that a beginner does not have the skills to carry out an analysis of this type and therefore it is better to go to libraries that are more successful such as those of large groups such as Adafruit, DFRobots etc etc.
A great way is to see how many stars have been given on github and if the repository is still active (issues to which the developer responds, other interactions, forks etc etc)

Finally, keep in mind that with ESP32 you have a large number of excellent libraries already included in the core which are developed and maintained directly by the great team that takes care of the Arduino core for ESP32.

For example, in this case you could take a look at the WebServer library which has nothing to envy of the ESPAsyncWebServer and you can do exactly the same things with it (for me is also easier to use), thus eliminating an external dependency of your project (for better future maintainability).

Hello costestatnt,

Thank you for your advice, indeed my skills concerning the Arduino IDe environment do not allow me to intervene at your level. To tell you the truth, I develop applications with the B4X suite (B4A for Android and B4J for PC), B4R (among other things for ESP boards) is far from being at the level of Arduino!
Some of my B4X applications relate to IOT, so I have to develop the applications at the other end and create the electronic glue that fits well, mostly ESP boards based. It is the reason what I'm Arduino IDE user.
That said, despite my average level regarding Arduino, I corrected a bug on the DS18B20 library without resorting to help from the forum, and my correction works!
Thank you again for your help!
PS: I already had a look to the WebServer library, indeed it sounds good!