Establishing Serial Communication with HM-10 Bluetooth Module

My current project is a small bluetooth controlled tank with a lifting arm and I am having trouble activating inputs using an HM-10 Bluetooth module. The system consists of 2 x 3-12V DC motors, a micro servo, an Arduino Uno, an Adafruit Motor Shield V2, and a DSD Tech HM-10 bluetooth module. The goal of this project is to control the direction of the tank and the lifting arm wirelessly using the IOS BLE Joystick app which sends constant character strings to control outputs. For an initial test I only connected the servo to the motor shield and powered the system using the jumper and the Arduino Uno USB port. I connected the Rx to the Tx and the Tx to the Rx as well as the 3.3V connection and ground for the bluetooth module. I was able to successfully pair the bluetooth module with the app, but when I try to activate the servo using the controller nothing happens. Maybe I am not using it correctly but I viewed the serial monitor and nothing happens when the buttons are pressed. I also tried using the digital pins and SoftwareSerial, but I am still unable to get a response from the bluetooth module. I've tired sending AT commands and received nothing back. I have included two versions of the code, with two connection methods. Any feedback you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Rover_Script_V1.ino (1.65 KB)

Rover_Script_V2.ino (1.74 KB)

Some pointers: (Basic info) Examples and test sketch...

I suggest you concentrate on the version using SoftwareSerial because it allows you to print debug messages to the Arduino Serial Monitor.

Make a version of your program without any motor stuff and just print the Bluetooth values to the Serial Monitor so you can confirm that the communication is working.

Serial Input Basics - simple reliable ways to receive data.

Hi, One More Thing:

There are multiple "breakouts" for the small HM-10 module out there. Some have an active chip to do signal level translation for Arduino; some have resistors, some, apparently have none. Check Amazon and you'll see a cluster about $3-4 and another cluster about $8 +

The ones with the active chip look like this:

Look closely on the left near the TXD pin for a tiny 6-pin SMD chip .