Ethernet Shield + RC522 RFID Modulo Conflict on Arduino UNO


I wrote a program for reading the RFID cards and everything works properly , now I need to save the readings to a file and send the data to a server.
So I bought one ethernet shield, after having copied the collementi not work anymore .
I read that there is a conflict , however, the pin does not know how to solve it .
Can you help me?
Thank you


Ho scritto un programma per la lettura delle tessere rfid e funziona tutto correttamente, ora ho bisogno di salvare le letture su un file e inviare i dati ad un server.
Ho comprato quindi uno scudo ethernet , dopo aver ricopiato i collementi non funziona più niente.
Ho letto che c'è un conflitto di pin però non so come risolverlo.
Potete aiutarmi?

If you're using the Arduino-made ethernet shield, communication to both the SD card and to the ethernet chip is conducted via SPI. The RC522 also uses SPI, so that could cause a conflict.

As I understand, the Ethernet Shield uses pin 4 to select the SD card and pin 10 to select the Ethernet chip - if these are being used by the RFID chip or anything else, that will also cause a problem.

Can you help me?

We can't see your code. We can't see which Ethernet shield you are using. We can't see which RFID reader you have. So, no.

the pin does not know how to solve it .

Of course not. Pins are stupid. They do exactly what they are told to do. Nothing more; nothing less.

Thanks for reply.
Sorry for my english but i'm italian.

This is the Rfid and Ethernet shield that i use.

This is the Rfid and Ethernet shield that i use.

Useless links. Amazon does NOT make those shields!

If you want to help me speak civilly and not fool me , otherwise it ignores it like other people who saw the post and did not respond .
If I'm asking for your help I am because I may not have so much knowledge !
So if you tell me how to solve the conflict between the legs of the two components well otherwise you shut up please!