I am testing the external interrupts of the Arduino UNO (INT0 and INT1) and wanted to know what voltage to supply and how to supply the voltage to the pins. The hardware interrupt should trigger when the voltage is applied to the pin i.e. a SINGLE low to high transition. I wanted to know if I can directly connect/short the 3.3V output given by the arduino board to the INT0/INT1 pins? If this is not possible can someone give suggestions? What circuit should I use? Thanks!
It's just like any other signal that would read HIGH or LOW. LOW is defined as less than 0.3 times Vcc and HIGH is defined as anything higher than 0.6 times Vcc. If you're running at 5V then HIGH means anything more than about 3V. LOW means anything less than about 1.5V.
The easiest thing would be to wire up a button like you would with any of the common examples where pressing the button gives you a HIGH or LOW on the pin.
You can also set up those interrupts and just write the pin HIGH or LOW with digitalWrite and it will trigger the interrupt with nothing external involved.