Externally powering a LED strip on a USB connected Arduino

With my inexperience I'm trying to correct a schematic I've received for a project. It tried to power 16 100mA LEDs on an Arduino Pro Micro clone. That's not going to work, so an external power supply is needed. I've chosen a 5V 2A wall adapter for that.

From searching on the internet I've figured out I Need to connect 5V + GND to the led strip and also need to connect 5V + GND to the arduino. But in those examples the USB connection wasn't used and I need it for the data from a PC as the leds will be used as a RPM/shift lights for racing games.

I've come to the conclusion the arduino and the data pin will be powered by USB but I still need the GND connection to the arduino, but not the 5V.

Is this (simple, sorry) schematic correct? Do I need a resistor on the data line?

I will take a SWAG: It looks fine however if you have the possibility of the external power failing out while the USB is on the data line may try to power the led strip through the data port. Place a resistor in the 330 Ohm range to protect for this. I do not know anything about any of the parts as the links you posted on them was nonexistent.

The LEDs are called P9823-F5.
Store link with some crudely translated data

The controller is a arduino pro micro clone and controller, power supply and LEDs all run at 5V

Let us know how the resistor works.

I use R330 resistor on the data line and a 1000uf electrolytic capacitor bridging VCC and GND.

I disconnect the power supply from the LED strip before connecting the strip to the Arduino for programming.

  WS2812B - VCC - 1000uF ECAP(+)        - Arduino VIN - Power supply (+)
          - SIG - 300-500 Ohm resistor  - Arduino SIG - x
          - GND - 1000uF ECAP(-)        - Arduino GND - Power supply (-)

         +----------| USB |--------+       +-----+
         | D13/SCK        MISO/D12 |       |E.CAP|
         | 3.3V           MOSI/D11~|       |1k uF|
         | Vref             SS/D10~|       +-----+
         | A0                   D9~|      -|     |+        +--------------+
         | A1       NANO        D8 |  +----|-----+---------| VCC          |
         | A2                   D7 |  | +--+---------------| GND          |
         | A3                   D6~|--|-|-----|470R Ohm|---| SIG  WS2812B |
         | A4/SDA               D5~|  | |                  +--------------+
         | A5/SCL               D4 |  | |
         | A6              INT1/D3~|  | |   +--------+
         | A7              INT0/D2 |--|-|---| BUTTON |
         | 5V                  GND |--|-|---|        |=|
         | RST                 RST |  | |   +--------+
    +----| GND   5V  DO GND    TX1 |  | |
    | +--| Vin   DI  SCK  RST  RX1 |  | |
    | |  +-------------------------+  | |      +--------------+
    | |                               | |      | POWER SUPPLY |====||= MAINS
    | +-------------------------------+-|--||--| VCC          |====||= MAINS
    +-----------------------------------+--||--| GND          |

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