Fail to load sketch in IDE


Some of my sketches (INO-file) are not loading anymore in IDE. I have the latest version (1.8.19). What can/must I do?

Thanks in advance.

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What problems are you having ?
How does the problem manifest itself ?

I have some files from students. They uploaded the INO-file. Now I try to open them and want to see how they have programmed. I get the following text: Can't create the sketch.

Does that mean you have opened the same files before?

Maybe they're not Arduino sketches in spite of the .ino extension: do they look legit if you examine in say Notepad++ ?

What folder structure are you using to hold the .ino files ? For instance, are they in folders with the same names as the .ino files ?

Can you open the files in Notepad ?

No, I have not opened them yet. I will try to open them in Notepad++. Though, they have uploaded the files to their project.

Thank you, I can open them in Notepad++. :+1:

And the folder structure that you have them in is what ?

I ask, because the IDE expects to find .ino files in a folder of the same name

Adding to post #8 by @UKHeliBob, if you have a sketch someSketch.ino, the IDE expects it to be in a folder someSketch .

But I've often seen it tell me that the sketch should be in whatever folder and it asks if i would like to move it to continue.

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