Hi @Harley4DaWin
As you already discovered, there is no way for the FQBN to be automatically discovered. However, you can simply look up the FQBN of the Nano. You can get a listing of all installed boards with this command:
arduino-cli board listall
That may give you a lot of boards, so you can filter it with grep if you like:
arduino-cli board listall | grep --ignore-case "nano"
You will now have learned that the FQBN of the Nano is arduino:avr:nano. You will usually just be able to use the FQBN as is. However, some boards have custom board options that allow additional configuration. These custom board options are also set via the FQBN. You can learn about the custom board options of the Nano with this command;
arduino-cli board details arduino:avr:nano
which gives this output:
Board name: Arduino Nano
FQBN: arduino:avr:nano
Board version: 1.8.3
Official Arduino board: ✔
Package name: arduino
Package maintainer: Arduino
Package URL: https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.json
Package website: http://www.arduino.cc/
Package online help: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/HomePage
Platform name: Arduino AVR Boards
Platform category: Arduino
Platform architecture: avr
Platform URL: http://downloads.arduino.cc/cores/avr-1.8.3.tar.bz2
Platform file name: avr-1.8.3.tar.bz2
Platform size (bytes): 4941548
Platform checksum: SHA-256:de8a9b982477762d3d3e52fc2b682cdd8ff194dc3f1d46f4debdea6a01b33c14
Required tool: arduino:avr-gcc 7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7
Required tool: arduino:avrdude 6.3.0-arduino17
Required tool: arduino:arduinoOTA 1.3.0
Option: Processor cpu
ATmega328P ✔ cpu=atmega328
ATmega328P (Old Bootloader) cpu=atmega328old
ATmega168 cpu=atmega168
Programmers: Id Name
arduinoisp ArduinoISP
stk500 Atmel STK500 development board
parallel Parallel Programmer
jtag3isp Atmel JTAGICE3 (ISP mode)
arduinoasisp Arduino as ISP
usbtinyisp USBtinyISP
atmel_ice Atmel-ICE (AVR)
avrisp AVR ISP
arduinoisporg ArduinoISP.org
usbGemma Arduino Gemma
buspirate BusPirate as ISP
jtag3 Atmel JTAGICE3 (JTAG mode)
avrispmkii AVRISP mkII
usbasp USBasp
arduinoasispatmega32u4 Arduino as ISP (ATmega32U4)
Perhaps a little more information than you needed, but arduino-cli is a tool for advanced users so we need to provide for all use cases.
For your case, the important information is under the "Option" section:
Option: Processor cpu
ATmega328P ✔ cpu=atmega328
ATmega328P (Old Bootloader) cpu=atmega328old
ATmega168 cpu=atmega168
You can see that there is one option. The human friendly name for this option, which you would see under the Arduino IDE's Tools menu when the board was selected, is "Processor". However, the FQBN is the way we identify the board to a machine, and this uses the option ID: cpu.
The cpu option has three possible settings:
- atmega328
- atmega328old
- atmega168
You can see that the default value of this option is "atmega328". In the Arduino IDE, you would set this via the Tools > Processor > ATmega328P menu option. This is the appropriate option to use for official Arduino Nanos purchased in 2018 onward. You don't need to specify the default option via the FQBN, so if you have a modern officail Arduino Nano, you can simply use the FQBN arduino:avr:nano.
Before 2018, Arduino used a different bootloader on their Nano boards. If you have one of these boards with the old bootloader, you need to use the atmega328old option. The option id and value is appended to the base FQBN. So the FQBN to use for the Nano with the old bootloader is arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega328old
Clone and derivative Nano boards often have the old bootloader, but some have the new bootloader, and of course the sellers would never bother to tell you which it is. So if you have one of these boards, you'll just need to use trial and error to determine which of the options is appropriate for your board.
Some boards have multiple custom board options. To specify multiple options via the FQBN, just separate them with commas. For example:
It doesn't matter which order the options are in.
In the case of boards with a lot of options, I will often just configure the board as I like in the Arduino IDE and then do a compilation of any sketch with verbose output during compilation enabled in File > Preferences, then just copy/paste the FQBN from the first line of the compilation output.