I am taking pictures with TTL Serial JPEG cameras from adafruit:
To save to SD card, I have a simple code to find the next available file name:
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
sprintf(_f_name_buffer,"%04d.JPG",i); // Generate a serial number
strcpy(_f_name+len, _f_name_buffer); // Add the number to the file name
//Serial.print(F("Trying file name:"));
//Serial.println(_f_name); // /DCIM/100ARDUI/IMGL0000.JPG
// create if does not exist, do not open existing, write, sync after write
if (! SD.exists(_f_name))
//Serial.println(F("File name available!"));
return true;
//Serial.println(F("File already exists!"));
return false;
Essentially it generates a file name like "/DCIM/100ARDUI/IMGL0000.JPG", test with SD.exists() and returns true when it finds the next available file name.
This process is rather slow after Arduino has taken say a few hundred images overnight. Is there any faster way to do this? Maybe I should do this only once at the beginning and just create a new file name from there and tests that file name? Thanks.
create a text file with the last number used?
read it
add 1
save it
use it for jpeg name
Do a binary search of the name. If there can be up to 100 files per directory, a binary search would require at most 7 tests.
Do a binary search of the name. If there can be up to 100 files per directory, a binary search would require at most 7 tests.
Sounds good. How do I do a binary search?
The search would be something like this. Assume that the function file_exists(int n,char *dirpath) checks whether the file name whose index is 'n' (e.g. IMGL0011.JPG when n=11) exists within the directory whose pathname is "dirpath" and returns non-zero if it does.
I'm also assuming that a directory will have no more than 100 files numbered from 0 to 99.
int find_file(char *dirpath)
int lo,hi,mid;
lo = 0;
hi = 99;
// Set up the initial conditions for the binary search that the first file (0) must exist
// and the last one (99) must not
// if index zero doesn't exist, it is the next file (or, at least, it indicates that
// this directory is empty)
if(!file_exists(lo,dirpath)) return(0);
// if index 99 does exist then this directory is full, return an error/full indication
do {
mid = (hi-lo+1)/2;
// If the mid-point file exists, change the lo pointer
// otherwise change the hi pointer
if(file_exists(mid,dirpath)) lo = mid;
else hi = mid;
// If hi and lo are just one apart, we've found the boundary between the two
// and then next filename is hi
} while(hi-lo > 1);
If there are 1000 files per directory, just change "hi=99;" to "hi=999;". In that case, the number of tests will be a maximum of about 12 (including the two initial tests of 0 and 999).
Thanks. I had a misunderstanding. I thought "binary search" was reading some raw binary numbers from SD card and search within them. So it is binary search in general that you are talking about 
Yes. It just improves on a linear search through all possible filenames. I don't know anything about the internals of the SD directory structure 
Here is a sketch that finds the next file name in optimal time, one pass through the directory file.
This sketch will create ten empty files each time it is run.
#include <SD.h>
#define IMAGE_DIR "/DCIM/100ARDUI"
// SD chip select pin
const uint8_t SD_CS_PIN = SS;
// return next file index or negative for error
int nextNumber() {
dir_t dir;
File dirFile;
int maxIndex = -1;
// open directory file
dirFile = SD.open(IMAGE_DIR, O_READ);
if (!dirFile){
// open of dir file failed
return -1;
// read all entries in directory
while (dirFile.available()) {
if (dirFile.read(&dir, 32) != 32) {
// read of dir file failed
return -2;
// break if all entries read
if (dir.name[0] == 0) break;
// check for IMGLnnnn.JPG
if (strncmp((char*)dir.name, "IMGL", 4)
|| strncmp((char*)&dir.name[8], "JPG", 3)) {
int n = 0;
for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
int c = dir.name[i] - '0';
if (c < 0 || c > 9) {
n = -1;
n = 10*n + c;
if (n > maxIndex) maxIndex = n;
return maxIndex + 1;
void setup() {
char path[32];
File image;
Serial.println("type a character to run");
while (!Serial.available());
if(!SD.begin(SD_CS_PIN)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int n = nextNumber();
if (n < 0) {
Serial.print("ERROR ");
sprintf(path, "%s/IMGL%04d.JPG", IMAGE_DIR, n);
image = SD.open(path, FILE_WRITE);
if (!image) {
Serial.println("open image");
void loop() {
Here is typical output:
type a character to run
Thank you fat16lib! I forgot the subfolders are files themselves. I used to know enough fat12 to do stuff to floppies