Finding what funtions are in a library

I have spent several hours trying to find what all the functions are in the LCD library hd44780. I have found many of them in example sketches but it seems like there should be a comprehensive list somewhere. Any help?

The .h library file should list all the public functions.

Post a link to the library in question, as there are many for that display.

Here is a reference for the LiquidCrystal API. >> GitHub - duinoWitchery/hd44780: Extensible hd44780 LCD library

The summary is part of the documentation for the hd44780 library which is, in my opinion, the best library for hd44780 controlled character LCD displays (1602, 2004, etc.). The library is actively maintained and the author is an active member of the forum so is often available to answer questions.

You have a point. There isn't documentation like javadoc where every function or procedure is described. With only the keyword.txt you must spitting in the .h files or the .cpp files to find out how it works. Not all is explained in the examples.

I installed it from the library manager. Not sure how to pull up the functions.

If you installed the library in your sketchbook folder, it will be in the "libraries" subfolder. Otherwise, the sources of all these libraries are usually on Github, open to the public.

That’s exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. There was some documentation that referred to that API but the address didn’t work.

I will have to look for that when I get home. I’m on a football tournament trip right now. Round football not hand egg.

I found some more information right where @jremington said it would be. Now I have another question: Can I use this library with an I2C adapter?

Edit: I think I have found some information in a tutorial by @LarrryD

I have it working now. I just need to know why. I have found some more documentation on the ioclass so now I can read more and gain understanding.

Thanks to all who have helped. I intend to keep this one open for a while in case I run up against another mental block or brick wall. :smile:

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