Fluctuation in multiple projects from the starter kit.

Hallo Forum

Glad to join the community

I recently got my starter kit

And since then I have done the first 5 projects

However with the last 3 projects my results have been fluctuating a lot.

For example:

The love-o-meter project - my TMP36 sensor measured from -10 to 20 degrees.
Color mixing lamp – the photoresistor input was changing a lot & quickly
Mood cue – the servo kept going from 30 degrees to 90… I believe it should have gone from 0 – 179. But even worse was the fact that without any adjustment the servo was measured (viewed from the screen, is it called IDE? uncertain atm) to go from 30 degree to 60 – 90, sometimes it moved a little but never more than those 30 – 60 degrees.

I have my code saved from the different projects, if you need me to upload one of the projects?

I’m wondering if there is a loose connection in the Arduino uno, however I’m uncertain of how to check this / fix it. So im reaching out to the community.

You are my only hope Obi wanduino, please help me. :slightly_smiling_face:

PS: I apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post, or if something should have been set up differently, I’m all new to this but very eager to learn the ways of the forum.

How are you connecting the parts together? Are you using breadboards? Breadboard is notoriously fiddly - it often doesn't make a reliable connection. I think every time I've seen someone show me something made on breadboard, we wait for a few minutes while he pokes wires to get it to work.

Yes i am using the breadboard

Perhaps i should try to connect the parts without the breadboard to see if it is more reliable

Thanks for you input, i very much appreciate it.