When I fold my code, arduino leaves closing bracket, wich can be really annoying.
Sorry for my bad english.
When I fold my code, arduino leaves closing bracket, wich can be really annoying.
Sorry for my bad english.
Doesn't the closing bracket indicate the end of the fold ? Why is that annoying ?
VSCode folding includes brackets:
I got used to it and closing brackets begin to annoy me
We are all annoyed by different styles of doing things. For instance, you putting the opening brace on the same line as the function name annoys me, but thankfully that is under my control
Configurations are made for people with different code styles to be comfortable with using one ide
This is courtesy of the language extension you have installed. Perhaps you are using this one?
If you don't have a C++ language extension installed in VS Code then it has the same folding behavior as Arduino IDE:
Unfortunately the behavior does not appear to be configurable.
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