I need to blink two LEDs with two different PWM signals. I wan to run them with lower power for 30sec and switch to higher power after that and run for 10min +.
It seems that duration of my sketch does not depend on i number. I can set i to 100000, 500,000 or 1000000 but the sketch always complete second loop in roughly 6min.
Sure you can understand how millis() and non-blocking timing works
It just depends on how good does the presented information fit to your personal knowledge-level.
If you find it hard to understand the reason is always:
The knowledge-level of the presented information does NOT match with your personal knowledge-level.
What do you think: would it make sense to you to take the posting of a thread-opener and trying to estimate the knowledge-level of the thread-opener
and only in case you come to the conclusion: "seems to have a pretty advanced knowledge" which seems to be minimum 80% of gcjrs knowledge to post one of your usual codes?
In case you come to a different conclusion not posting at all
or posting with intensive explanations of all the things you were too blind to see because to you yourself these details are so common that you no longer think this could be an problem to understand?
The question is: what is the knowledge-level that is above the actual knowledge-level
not too much above / not too near
So it will be the right amount of challenging. Not too much. Not too less.
You have a very strong tendency of assuming too much knowledge by other users.
If the concept of non-blocking timing is really new to somebody it is very likely to think about non-blocking timing beeing similiar to delay() which of course it really isn't.
A different example:
Do you know life-kinetics?
I assume: yes
please perform the exercise of
"exercise "1-2-3-4" combined with "reverse alphabet"
Not written: If you do not understand any detail ask questions.
If you should happen to know these life-kinetics exercises
please combine the above with "slackline" and "parallel throw-cross-catch"
Uh ? You don't know what I am talking about ?! Well these are all even very common words and you don't understand them?
Well life kinetics is practiced for more than 10 years now and you still don't know about it?
If you have found out what it is all about you will see: (conclusion not written)