General problem with headerfiles


I have used arduino in several projects and I am encountered with one certain problem again and again. I'm totally fed up with this an wrote a very short example, to show it to you. Please have a look:

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "lib.h"

void setup () {
Serial.print("Returned: ");

void loop () {

#ifndef lib_h
#define lib_h

int f(void);


#include "lib.h"

int f(void) {
return 1;

If I try to compile this code, I get the following error:

sketch_jan23a.cpp.o: In function setup': C:\Program Files (x86)\arduino-1.0.3/sketch_jan23a.ino:7: undefined reference to f()'

What is the problem? I read several articles and books concerning how to program header files. I can't find any mistake. And it happens everytime I try to split a program in several files. I have found a workaround: including the .c instead of .h

Thank you.

I have found a workaround: including the .c instead of .h

C++ can not use functions defined in a C file without special handling. You are not supplying that special handling.

Why are you not using the cpp extension, instead?

Why are you not using the cpp extension, instead?

Awesome, if I rename the lib.c to lib.cpp, it works. Could you please send me a link, where I can find more information to this problem and the "special handling"?

Thanks a lot.

Just google calling C functions from C++. You need to tell the C++ compiler not to perform name mangling on the C functions. The C compiler doesn't, so the linker can find the name-mangled function in the object module.

Okay, thank you! I learned programming with AVR Studio 4 and C and never had this issue. This problem with arduino always made me crazy!