Generating SHA1 get bad hash

Hi, I need generate hash of string.
I found this library. For cycle is from this file.

#include <sha1.h>
void setup () { Serial.begin(9600); } 
void loop() {

  char tmp[41];  
  memset(tmp, 0, 41);

  uint8_t *hash = Sha1.result();
  for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
    tmp[i*2] = "0123456789abcdef"[hash[i]>>4];
    tmp[i*2+1] = "0123456789abcdef"[hash[i]&0xf];

This code send string over RS-232:


but if I create sha1 hash of the same string on my linux computer I get different hash:

$ echo "abc" | sha1sum 
03cfd743661f07975fa2f1220c5194cbaff48451  -

But in documentainon autor wrote it is good.
What I do bad?

I do not need exactly sha1, any other hash (for example md5) is good for me too.

It is working fine on the Arduino, but not on Linux. That is because on Linux you are hashing a different string.

On the Arduino you are hashing "abc". On Linux you are hashing "abc\n" - echo adds a line ending.

If you use "echo -n" it stops it adding the line ending:

$ echo -n abc | sha1sum 
a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d  -

Thank you. Now it is good.