Generation of three phase square wave using arduino (BWOD style)

Continuing the discussion from Generation of three phase square wave using arduino(SIMPLE CODING) and its OP:

How about:

// modified from

// See
// for the layout of a 3 phase motor with a 12 coil stator and 8 pole rotor
// 12coils/3 phases = 4 cycles per rev

unsigned long delayInterval = 3333UL; // 500UL*1000; //
unsigned long nowUs = 0;
unsigned long nowMs = 0;
unsigned long now = 0;

const byte pinA = 7;
const byte pinB = 8;
const byte pinC = 9;
const byte speedPin = A0;

const byte phaseTable6[] = {0b001, 0b011, 0b010, 0b110, 0b100, 0b101};

// one coil at a time:
const byte phaseTable3[] = {0b001, 0b010, 0b100, 0b001, 0b010, 0b100};

byte phase = 0; // global variable to track phase state

void setup() {

  // initialize digital pin 13,12&8 as an output.
  pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  now = micros();
  //  stepPhases6Blocking(delayInterval);

void writePhases(byte phase) {
  digitalWrite(pinA, phase & 0b001);
  digitalWrite(pinB, phase & 0b010);
  digitalWrite(pinC, phase & 0b100);

void stepPhases6(unsigned long interval) {
  static long last = -10000;
  int dir = 1;
  if (now - last > interval) {
    if (phase >= 6) phase = 0;
    last = now;

void stepPhases6Blocking(unsigned long interval) {
  // closer to
  // but simplified with functions and a lookup table
  if (phase >= 6) {
    phase = 0;

void updateSpeed(void) {
  const unsigned long interval = 100000UL;
  static unsigned long last = 0;
  const int coils = 12;
  const int phases = 3;
  constexpr int stepsPerRev = 6 * coils/phases;
  if (now - last >= interval ) {
    static int lastReading = -1;
    int currentReading = 1023 - analogRead(speedPin);
    if (currentReading != lastReading) {
      lastReading = currentReading;
      delayInterval = (currentReading) * 4096UL + 1000;
      Serial.print("us ");
      Serial.print(60UL * 1000000.0 / delayInterval / stepsPerRev, 4);
      Serial.print("RPM ");
    last = now;



It isn't as "simple" as blocking code with hard-coded pins, and it has the complication of a variable speed control with analog change detection, but it makes the basics of generating a multiphase square wave easier to understand.

Wow. An update to a 5 year old topic

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