Generic Esp8266: connected pins not working (easy question))

void setup(){
void loop(){

I gave the 2nd pin as an example. I don't know which pin to use. I'm using 5.6 and 7 when uploading the code, so actually I'm using Generic esp8266. There is a section called esppins, or normal pins up to 13. I do not know which pin to use, but no matter which pin I connect, my card does not work at all. This is exactly the summary of my problem. I bought two cards in case they are broken or not working, both have the same situation. This shows that the problem is not in the card. I want to use the card's wi-fi, so I choose "Generic Esp8266" while programming, but I also want to use ICSP. I don't know exactly how to code and connect the pins. How should I connect the pins?
How can I fix the problem?

Perhaps start with a search for "Uno WiFi tutorial".

I think the mistake I made at the beginning was to use arduino pins while in esp mode, I want to use arduino's pins, but while doing this I want to have wi-fi because I want to use scl , sda and ISCP. After some research, I saw the #include <WiFiNINA.h> library, but I still have questions in my mind, how can they load the blink example and run it on the arduino pins in esp mode? Is it really possible to use arduino pins 0-13 when in esp mode?

did you select the correct mode on the DIP switches?
see uno+wifi r3 atmega328p+esp8266

For esp8266, the options were 5, 6 and 7, while 5, 6 and 7 HIGH were loaded when loading code, it was 5,6 HIGH 7 LOW. think I chose it correctly since I can upload and run wi-fi

i never tried before: Mode 4 - AT to ESP - SW1, SW2 on. All other off, will I be able to run esp wi-fi on Arduino 0-13 pins when I try this?

correct - to program the ESP8266 it is mode 2
the modes are
Mode 1 - USB to AT - SW3 and SW4 on. All other off
Mode 2 - USB to ESP Prog - SW5, SW6, SW7 on. All other off
Mode 3 - USB to ESP - SW5, SW6 on. All other off
Mode 4 - AT to ESP - SW1, SW2 on. All other off

to run the ESP8266 use mode 3

this is mode 4, i.e. ATMega328 and ESP8266 serial connected together, allowing for serial communication between the two devices. The voltage difference between the Arduino and ESP8266 is taken care of in the board.

in UNO-R3-WIFI-ESP8266-CH340G-Arduino-and-WIFI section Step 5: Communicating Between ATMega328 and ESP8266 there is example code communicating between the AT and the ESP8266 which you can download, program the devices and execute the code

now I have the opportunity to try it, now I am with my card, the Wi-fi Arduino uno (not generic) that I do not understand works well when I load 1 and 2 open in the form of arduiunio uno, but I want to use wi-fi and even if I upload code to esp8266, it works according to Arduino. Maybe I can do it using the Wifinina library. What is the way to use both wi-fi and arduino pins?

esp and arduino can work at the same time, but when I install it as esp, I want to run an arduino card. When 3 and 4 are on, both are accessible. I want esp and arduino to communicate, or when working in esp generic mode, I want 0-13 pins to directly command arduino (not arduino commands independently from esp)

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