I'm working with LEDs as a lighting tool for video/digital cinema for a while. Most recently I got addicted to an Arri product called, SkyPanel, a RGB LED source with HSV controls for setup. And, as it's designed for video lighting, it's flicker free even on higher framerates (above 60fps) and shutter speeds.
As SkyPanels are available on 30x30cm minimum size, I felt like smaller light sources could help me lit car interior and portrait shots. On a first attempt I used the traditional RGB Strips (non addressable) with a cheap controller like this.
As I expected, getting the colors I wanted in RGB world was a pain. Besides that, any dimming down I did on the controller would make the RGB LED (strip or not) to flicker. As we have to dim R,G and B channels independently to make different colors, it became useless for video applications.
On a second take I attempted to use FastLED library to control the RGB strip using HSV parameters. As it's a 12V strip I used three IRFZ44N between the arduino and the power supply to drive the LEDs.
HSV control worked like a charm and it definitely became easier to choose colors, but the flickering issues were exactly the same as my cheap RGB controller. I kinda got demotivated and let it for a while.
Today I was asked to modify some cheap 12V dimmer based on a 555 Async for video usage. The issue was the same flickering style I had on both prior experiences.
After some bench testing, rev engineering and a couple of beers I found out that the ideal PWM frequency for video led dimming is around 6Khz. My dimmer was initially set to 60Khz. Changing a cap between pin 6 and 2 of the 555, I was able to get the frequency down and the flicker went away.
Now that I'm aware that the PWM frequency may be the issue with my Arduino controller, I'm wondering if there's a way to change the PWM down to 6Khz.
I already looked into the Secrets of PWMs and the PWM Cheat Sheet articles and understood that it's kinda limited to the prescale factors. Is it really limited to that frequencies? I believe the closest I would get to 6Khz would be 7812.5 hz on timer0 (Pins 5 and 6). I'm definitely going to try it and check the results, but I'm afraid it may not solve my flickering issues.
My questions are basically: There are any ways to get 6Khz PWMs on three pins? Also, will the PWM frequency change affect the FastLED Lib work (its advised on the articles I said that it may affect other stuff on the board).
If Arduino is not the right platform, can you guys suggest any other platforms or workarounds? I'm thinking about driving the 555s with the Arduino. Not sure how yet...
Cheers and Thanks in Advance!