GIGA Board is Finally Dead

Well it finally died. I had been have trouble with my GIGA board seeming to over heat. I would be able to run it with the GIGA Display for some period of time then the display would start acting up. I would unplug the board from the PC let it rest for a period of time and plug it back in and all would seem well again, until the next morning when once again it would begin acting up.

Cycle, again unplug and plug in. all would be well. Until today, it began acting up once again and then everything went DEAD. No GREEN power Lite, no RED lite, nothing.

Any Suggestions? Don't have another one to try, but I'm pretty sure this one has died. This board is only a couple months old

Rob - K0RU

Please show us your power arrangements; a full schematic would be even better. Sounds very much like something overheating. Usually, that's too much current being drawn through the onboard regulator.
What is your input voltage?

Arrangement is GIGA with GIGA Display, plugged into the USB-C port on my laptop.

Going to take voltage test on everything now and see what's going on.


Well looks like the 3V regulator is shot;

4.89 Volts at C-USB (no-load)
4.79 Volts at C-USB with ESP8266 (good board)

4.73 Volts at C-USB with GIGA at 5V ref
4.73 Volts at board 5 Volt Pins
0.537 Volts at board 3.3 Volt pins

Dang, just when I was having fun... LoL

Time to order another GIGA, I don't understand the only thing that was on the board was the GIGA Display which I've been programming as a Thermostat Display. It has 3 buttons and figures that is it.

Here is the sketch I was running.

Rob - K0RU

  This example uses the Arduino_GigaDisplayTouch and
  Arduino_GigaDisplay_GFX library to change the
  display whenever it is touched, inverting the colors.

  The circuit:
  - GIGA R1 WiFi
  - GIGA Display Shield

  created 10 sept 2023
  by Karl Söderby

  This example code is in the public domain.
#include <Arduino_DebugUtils.h>

#include "Arduino_GigaDisplay_GFX.h"
#include "Arduino_GigaDisplayTouch.h"
#include <Arduino_GigaDisplay.h>
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
#include <Fonts/FreeSans12pt7b_mod.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSans24pt7b.h>

FreeMono12pt7b.h		FreeSansBoldOblique12pt7b.h
FreeMono18pt7b.h		FreeSansBoldOblique18pt7b.h
FreeMono24pt7b.h		FreeSansBoldOblique24pt7b.h
FreeMono9pt7b.h			FreeSansBoldOblique9pt7b.h
FreeMonoBold12pt7b.h		FreeSansOblique12pt7b.h
FreeMonoBold18pt7b.h		FreeSansOblique18pt7b.h
FreeMonoBold24pt7b.h		FreeSansOblique24pt7b.h
FreeMonoBold9pt7b.h		FreeSansOblique9pt7b.h
FreeMonoBoldOblique12pt7b.h	FreeSerif12pt7b.h
FreeMonoBoldOblique18pt7b.h	FreeSerif18pt7b.h
FreeMonoBoldOblique24pt7b.h	FreeSerif24pt7b.h
FreeMonoBoldOblique9pt7b.h	FreeSerif9pt7b.h
FreeMonoOblique12pt7b.h		FreeSerifBold12pt7b.h
FreeMonoOblique18pt7b.h		FreeSerifBold18pt7b.h
FreeMonoOblique24pt7b.h		FreeSerifBold24pt7b.h
FreeMonoOblique9pt7b.h		FreeSerifBold9pt7b.h
FreeSans12pt7b.h		FreeSerifBoldItalic12pt7b.h
FreeSans18pt7b.h		FreeSerifBoldItalic18pt7b.h
FreeSans24pt7b.h		FreeSerifBoldItalic24pt7b.h
FreeSans9pt7b.h			FreeSerifBoldItalic9pt7b.h
FreeSansBold12pt7b.h		FreeSerifItalic12pt7b.h
FreeSansBold18pt7b.h		FreeSerifItalic18pt7b.h
FreeSansBold24pt7b.h		FreeSerifItalic24pt7b.h
FreeSansBold9pt7b.h		FreeSerifItalic9pt7b.h

Arduino_GigaDisplayTouch touchDetector;
GigaDisplay_GFX display;
GigaDisplayRGB rgb;
Adafruit_GFX_Button button0, button1, button2;  //  button1, button2;

///< COLOR: Definitions            / RGB COLOR CODE
#define BLACK 0x0000     /*   0,   0,   0 */
#define BLUE 0x00FF      /*   0,   0, 255 */
#define RED 0xF800       /* 255,   0,   0 */
#define GREEN 0x07E0     /*   0, 255,   0 */
#define CYAN 0x07FF      /*   0, 255, 255 */
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F   /* 255,   0, 255 */
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0    /* 255, 255,   0 */
#define WHITE 0xFFFF     /* 255, 255, 255 */
#define NAVY 0x000F      /*   0,   0, 128 */
#define DARKGREEN 0x03E0 /*   0, 128,   0 */
#define DARKCYAN 0x03EF  /*   0, 128, 128 */
#define MAROON 0x7800    /* 128,   0,   0 */
#define PURPLE 0x780F    /* 128,   0, 128 */
#define OLIVE 0x7BE0     /* 128, 128,   0 */
#define ST7735_GRAY 0x8410
#define LIGHTGREY 0xC618 /* 192, 192, 192 */
#define DARKGREY 0x7BEF  /* 128, 128, 128 */
#define ORANGE 0xFD20    /* 255, 165,   0 */
#define ST7735_ORANGE 0xFA60
#define GREENYELLOW 0xAFE5 /* 173, 255,  47 */
#define PINK 0xF81F        /* 255,   0, 255 */
#define PINK2 0xF8FF
#define AQUA 0x04FF
#define LIME 0x9FE0 /*  153, 255, 0 */
#define RDUColor 0xBFE0

#define screen_size_x 800  //      display.setCursor(Y=800, X=480);   Y0=top_LEFT   X0=bottom_LEFT
#define screen_size_y 480

#define button0_area_xB 380  // button0_y 400 380
#define button0_area_xT 473  // button0_x 300 473
#define button0_area_yL 160  // button0_y 400 250
#define button0_area_yR 300  // button0_y 400 390

#define button1_area_xT button0_area_xT                   //button0_x 300
#define button1_area_xB button0_area_xB                   // button0_y 400
#define button1_area_yL button1_R + button0_area_yL       // button0_y 400
#define button1_area_yR button1_R + button0_area_yR + 10  // button0_y 400

#define button2_area_xT button0_area_xT                   //button0_x 300
#define button2_area_xB button0_area_xB                   // button0_y 400
#define button2_area_yL button2_R + button1_area_yL       // button0_y 400
#define button2_area_yR button2_R + button1_area_yR + 10  // button0_y 400

#define button0_Rw 180  //      display.setCursor(Y=800, X=480);   Y0=LEFT   X0=TOP
#define button0_Dh 80   //      display.setCursor(Y=800, X=480);   Y0=LEFT   X0=TOP
#define button1_Rw 180  //      display.setCursor(Y=800, X=480);   Y0=LEFT   X0=TOP
#define button1_Dh 80   //      display.setCursor(Y=800, X=480);   Y0=LEFT   X0=TOP
#define button2_Rw 180  //      display.setCursor(Y=800, X=480);   Y0=LEFT   X0=TOP
#define button2_Dh 80   //      display.setCursor(Y=800, X=480);   Y0=LEFT   X0=TOP

#define button0_spacing 10
#define button0_offset_x 390

#define button1_spacing 10
#define button1_offset_x 390

#define button2_spacing 10
#define button2_offset_x 390

#define button0_Lx 125  //      display.setCursor(Y=BOTTOM LEFT OF BUTTON, X=BOTTOM LEFT OF BUTTON);   Y0=LEFT   X0=TOP
#define button1_Lx button0_Lx + button1_Rw + button1_spacing
#define button2_Lx button1_Lx + button2_Rw + button2_spacing

#define button0_Ty 0  //      display.setCursor(Y=800, X=480);   Y0=LEFT   X0=TOP
#define button1_Ty button0_Ty
#define button2_Ty button1_Ty

#define window0_Lx 0
#define window0_Ty 0  // 90
#define window0_Rw 800
#define window0_Dh 480  //  479

#define window1_Lx 0
#define window1_Ty 90  // 90
#define window1_Rw 800
#define window1_Dh 390  //  479

#define textcenter_x 400
#define textcenter_y 240

//*******  TEXTSIZE EQUALS { 0=5px,  1=10px,  2=20px,  3=30px,  4=40px,  5=50px,  6=60px,  7=70px,  8=80px };
//const int16_t textspacing[9] = { 10, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 };  //  display.setTextSize
const int16_t textspacing[9] = { 60, 60, 105, 120, 110, 120, 120, 140, 160 };  //  #include <Fonts/FreeSans24pt7b.h>

char button0_text[8] = "LOAD";
char button1_text[8] = "SAVE";
char button2_text[8] = "RESET";
int16_t degree0 = 15;

char display0_text[8] = "78.9";
char display1_text[8] = "68.5";
char display2_text[8] = "65.5";


int16_t touch_x = 0;
int16_t touch_y = 0;
int16_t contacts = 0, randNumber = 0, fontsize = 0;
GDTpoint_t points[5];

uint16_t lastTouch, threshold = 250;
bool switch_1;

  // "Classic" initButton() uses center & size
  void initButton(Adafruit_GFX *gfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w,
                  uint16_t h, uint16_t outline, uint16_t fill,
                  uint16_t textcolor, char *label, uint8_t textsize);
  void initButton(Adafruit_GFX *gfx, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w,
                  uint16_t h, uint16_t outline, uint16_t fill,
                  uint16_t textcolor, char *label, uint8_t textsize_x,
                  uint8_t textsize_y);
  // New/alt initButton() uses upper-left corner & size
  void initButtonUL(Adafruit_GFX *gfx, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t w,
                    uint16_t h, uint16_t outline, uint16_t fill,
                    uint16_t textcolor, char *label, uint8_t textsize);
  void initButtonUL(Adafruit_GFX *gfx, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t w,
                    uint16_t h, uint16_t outline, uint16_t fill,
                    uint16_t textcolor, char *label, uint8_t textsize_x,
                    uint8_t textsize_y);
  void drawButton(bool inverted = false);
  bool contains(int16_t x, int16_t y);

    @brief    Sets button state, should be done by some touch function
    @param    p  True for pressed, false for not.

  void press(bool p) {
    laststate = currstate;
    currstate = p;

  bool justPressed();
  bool justReleased();

    @brief    Query whether the button is currently pressed
    @returns  True if pressed
  bool isPressed(void) { return currstate; };


void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  //  while (!Serial.available()) {  //  DEBUG TIMESTAMP
  //    ;                            //  DEBUG TIMESTAMP
  //  }                              //  DEBUG TIMESTAMP

  Debug.timestampOn();  //  DEBUG TIMESTAMP
  //  display.setFont(&FreeSans12pt7b_mod);
  fontsize = 1;                    // TEXTSIZE EQUALS { 0=5px,  1=10px,  2=20px,  3=30px,  4=40px,  5=50px,  6=60px,  7=70px,  8=80px };
  display.setTextColor(RDUColor);  // DEBUG CODE

  display.setTextSize(fontsize);         // DEBUG LINE
  Serial.println("Starting up now...");  // DEBUG LINE

  if (touchDetector.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Touch controller init - OK");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Touch controller init - FAILED");
    while (1)

  // create button
  button0.initButtonUL(&display, button0_Lx, button0_Ty, button0_Rw, button0_Dh, CYAN, BLUE, YELLOW, button0_text, 3);
  //  button0.initButton(&display, button0_x, button0_y, button_w, button_h, CYAN, BLUE, YELLOW, button0_text, 2);

  button1.initButtonUL(&display, button1_Lx, button1_Ty, button1_Rw, button1_Dh, CYAN, BLUE, YELLOW, button1_text, 3);
  //  button1.init(&display, display.width() - 40, 20, 70, 40, CYAN, BLUE, YELLOW, "Reset", 2);
  //  button1.initButton(&display, button1_x, button1_y, button_w, button_h, CYAN, BLUE, YELLOW, button1_text, 2);

  button2.initButtonUL(&display, button2_Lx, button2_Ty, button2_Rw, button2_Dh, CYAN, BLUE, YELLOW, button2_text, 3);
  //  button2.initButton(&display, button2_x, button2_y, button_w, button_h, CYAN, BLUE, YELLOW, button2_text, 2);

  display.fillScreen(BLACK);                                                        // Clear Screen
  drawallbuttons(false);                                                            // Draw Buttons, no inverting
  initializeWindows(window1_Lx, window1_Ty, window1_Rw, window1_Dh, WHITE, BLACK);  // TEST WINDOW
  rgb_run();                                                                        // Flash onboard LED Lite
  Serial.println("Running LOOP now...");                                            // Tell me about whats going on
  drawCentreString("Tggggh", textcenter_x, textcenter_y);
  drawCentreString("when", textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize]);
  drawCentreString("70.8", textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize] * 2);
  drawdegreesym(textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize] * 2, fontsize, RDUColor);
  //      drawdegreesym(textcenter_x, textcenter_y, 3, RED);
  //  drawCentreString("printing", textcenter_x, textcenter_y / 2 + textspacing[fontsize] * 3);
  //  drawCentreString("multiple", textcenter_x, textcenter_y / 2 + textspacing[fontsize] * 4);
  //  drawCentreString("lines", textcenter_x, textcenter_y / 2 + textspacing[fontsize] * 5);

void loop() {
  contacts = touchDetector.getTouchPoints(points);
  if (contacts > 0 && (millis() - lastTouch > threshold)) {  // millis() is compare to lastTouch & threshold to prevent DEBOUNCE

    //record the x,y coordinates
    for (int16_t i = 0; i < contacts; i++) {
      touch_x = points[i].x;
      touch_y = points[i].y;
      Serial.print("Number of Contacts made on the Display = ");
      Serial.print(" <== X");
      Serial.print("\tis area_xT <?");
      Serial.print("\tis area_xB >?");
      Serial.print(" <== Y");
      Serial.print("\tis area_yL >?");
      Serial.print("\tis area_yR <?");
      Serial.print("Button Effected = ");

    //    if (touch_x < button0_area_xT && touch_x > button0_area_xB && touch_y > button0_area_yL && touch_y < button0_area_yR) {
    if (button0.contains(touch_y, touch_x - button0_offset_x)) {;
    } else {;

    if (button0.justPressed()) {
      initializeWindows(window0_Lx, window0_Ty, window0_Rw, window0_Dh, WHITE, BLACK);
      drawCentreString(button0_text, textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize]);
      drawCentreString("PRESSED", textcenter_x, textcenter_y);
      lastTouch = millis();

    if (mybutton.contains(p.x, p.y)) {  // (-1, -1) will always fail;
    } else {;

    if ( mybutton.justPressed() ) {
        mybutton.drawButton( true );    //  draw inverted
        //  any other code to run at press time

    //    if (touch_x < button1_area_xT && touch_x > button1_area_xB && touch_y > button1_area_yL && touch_y < button1_area_yR) {
    if (button1.contains(touch_y, touch_x - button1_offset_x)) {;
    } else {;

    if (button1.justPressed()) {
      Serial.print("textspacing = ");
      initializeWindows(window1_Lx, window1_Ty, window1_Rw, window1_Dh, WHITE, BLACK);  // TEST WINDOW
      drawCentreString("75.6", textcenter_x, textcenter_y);
      drawdegreesym(textcenter_x, textcenter_y, fontsize, RDUColor);
      for (int xy = 0; xy <= 20; xy++) {
        display.drawCircleHelper((textcenter_x - 379) + (xy * 30), textcenter_y + 150, 5, xy, GREENYELLOW);
        display.drawCircleHelper((textcenter_x - 379) + (xy * 30), textcenter_y + 150, 4, xy, GREENYELLOW);
      display.drawCircleHelper(textcenter_x + 100, textcenter_y + 50, 4, degree0, GREENYELLOW);
      display.drawCircleHelper(textcenter_x + 100, textcenter_y + 50, 5, degree0, GREENYELLOW);
      drawCentreString("PRESSED", textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize]);

      drawCentreString("degrees", textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize] * 2);
      drawCentreString(button1_text, textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize] * 3);
      drawCentreString("PRESSED", textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize] * 4);
      lastTouch = millis();

    //    if (touch_x < button2_area_xT && touch_x > button2_area_xB && touch_y > button2_area_yL && touch_y < button2_area_yR) {
    if (button2.contains(touch_y, touch_x - button2_offset_x)) {;
    } else {;

    if (button2.justPressed()) {
      initializeWindows(window1_Lx, window1_Ty, window1_Rw, window1_Dh, WHITE, BLACK);  // TEST WINDOW
      drawCentreString(button2_text, textcenter_x, textcenter_y + textspacing[fontsize]);
      drawCentreString("PRESSED", textcenter_x, textcenter_y);
      lastTouch = millis();

    delay(10);  // DEBOUNCE DELAY

// drawdegreesym(int16_t Left0; int16_t Down0; int16_t Size0; int16_t Color0)
// Left0 = Left Size position, Down0 = How far Down from top of screen, Size0 = Fontsize, Color0 = color of circle
void drawdegreesym(int16_t Left0, int16_t Down0, int16_t Size0, int16_t Color0) {
  int16_t circles = 1;
  //  Left0 = Left0 + (fontsize * 10);  // Displays original font
  //Left0 = Left0 + (fontsize * 25);                // FreeFont Settings
  //  Down0 = (Down0 / 2) + (textspacing[fontsize] * 2);  // Displays original font
  //Down0 = (Down0 / 2) + (textspacing[fontsize]);  // FreeFont Settings
  switch (fontsize) {
    case 0:
      Left0 += 65;   //  Left0 += 15;      // Original Font
      Down0 += -25;  //  Down0 += 0;       // Original Font
      circles = 5;   //  circles = 3;      // Original Font
      Size0 = 5;     //  Size0 = Size0     // Original Font
    case 1:
      Left0 += 65;   //  Left0 += 15;      // Original Font
      Down0 += -25;  //  Down0 += 0;       // Original Font
      circles = 5;   //  circles = 3;      // Original Font
      Size0 = 5;     //  Size0 = Size0     // Original Font
    case 2:
      Left0 += 110;  // FreeFont Settings = 10          Left0 += 10;  // Original Font
      Down0 += 35;   // FreeFont Settings = 25          Down0 += 3;  // Original Font
      circles = 5;   // FreeFont Settings =  3          circles = 3;  // Original Font
      Size0 = 5;     // FreeFont Settings = *2          Size0 = Size0 (no change)
    case 3:
      Left0 += 17;        // Left0 += 17;
      Down0 += 30;        // Down0 += 5;
      circles = 5;        // circles = 3;
      Size0 = Size0 * 2;  // Size0 = Size0 (no change)
    case 4:
      Left0 += 25;        // Left0 += 17;
      Down0 += 60;        // Down0 += 5;
      circles = 6;        // circles = 3;
      Size0 = Size0 * 2;  // Size0 = Size0 (no change)
    case 5:
      Left0 += 20;
      Down0 += 5;
      circles = 4;
    case 6:
      Left0 += 30;
      Down0 += 5;
      circles = 5;
    case 7 ... 8:
      Left0 += 40;
      Down0 += 7;
      circles = 7;
      Left0 += 0;
      Down0 += 0;
      circles = 1;
      display.drawCircle(Left0, Down0, Size0, Color0);
  Color0 = RDUColor;  // DEBUG CODE=
  int c = Left0;
  for (c = Left0; Left0 >= 10; c--) {
    uint16_t j = display.getPixel(Left0 - c, Down0-20);
    if (j != 0) {
      display.drawFastVLine(Left0 - c, Down0, 100, RED);
      display.drawFastVLine(Left0 - c, Down0 - 100, 100, RED);
      Serial.print("Value of variable  j  is ");
      Serial.print(j, HEX);
      Serial.print(" at location Left: ");
      Serial.print(Left0 - c);
      Serial.print(" Down: ");
  for (int c = 1; c <= circles; c++) {
    display.drawCircle(Left0, Down0, Size0 + c, Color0);

// Draw TEXT STRING Centered in WINDOW X,Y = (buf=Char TEXT, x=LEFT, y=DOWN)
void drawCentreString(const char* buf, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
  int16_t x1, y1;
  uint16_t w, h;
  display.getTextBounds(buf, x, y, &x1, &y1, &w, &h);  //calc width of new string
  display.setCursor(x - w / 2, y);

// Draw TEXT STRING Centered in DISPLAY 480x800 area = (buf=Char TEXT, x=LEFT, y=DOWN)
void drawCentre_A(const char* buf, int16_t a, int16_t b) {
  int16_t x1, y1, x, y;
  uint16_t w, h;
  x = display.width() / a;
  y = display.height() / b;
  display.getTextBounds(buf, x, y, &x1, &y1, &w, &h);  //calc width of new string
  display.setCursor(x - w / 2, y);

// Draws all BUTTONS
void drawallbuttons(bool invertyn) {
  //    display.fillScreen(color);
  //  initializeWindows(window_x, window_y, window_w, window_h, WHITE, BLACK);
  //  display.setFont(&FreeSans12pt7b_mod);

// Creates Window with textColor and Background Color being set
void initializeWindows(int16_t left, int16_t top, int16_t right, int16_t down, int16_t textColor, int16_t backgdColor) {
  int16_t i;
  int16_t locatecolor = GREEN;
  display.fillRect(left, top, right, down, backgdColor);  // TEMPORARY
  display.drawRect(left, top, right, down, backgdColor);  // BOTTOM 2/3 WINDOW

  for (i = 0; i <= 40; i++) {
    // Top LEFT
    display.writePixel(left - i, top, locatecolor);
    display.writePixel(left, top - i, locatecolor);
    display.writePixel(left + i, top, locatecolor);
    display.writePixel(left, top + i, locatecolor);

    /*    // Bottom RIGHT   left,top,
    display.writePixel((right - 1), ((down - 1) + top) - i, locatecolor);
    display.writePixel((right - 1) - i, ((down - 1) + top), locatecolor);
    display.writePixel((right - 1), ((down - 1) + top) + i, locatecolor);
    display.writePixel((right - 1) + i, ((down - 1) + top), locatecolor);
    // Bottom RIGHT
    display.writePixel((right - 1), ((down - 1) + top) - i, locatecolor);
    display.writePixel((right - 1) - i, ((down - 1) + top), locatecolor);
    display.writePixel((right - 1), ((down - 1) + top) + i, locatecolor);
    display.writePixel((right - 1) + i, ((down - 1) + top), locatecolor);

    DEBUG_INFO("top = %d", (top));
    DEBUG_INFO("top + i = %d", (top + i));
    DEBUG_INFO("top - i = %d", (top - i));
    DEBUG_INFO("top = %d", (top));
    DEBUG_INFO("top + i = %d", (top + i));
    DEBUG_INFO("top - i = %d", (top - i));
    DEBUG_INFO("right = %d", (right - 1));
    DEBUG_INFO("right + i = %d", (right - 1) + i);
    DEBUG_INFO("right - i = %d", (right - 1) - i);
    DEBUG_INFO("(down + top) = %d", (down + top));
    DEBUG_INFO("(down + top) + i = %d", (down + top) + i);
    DEBUG_INFO("(down + top) - i = %d", (down + top) - i);
  display.setCursor(top + 20, left + 20);

void fontdisplay() {
  char myChar;
  display.setCursor(20, 100);
  Serial.println("\n\nprinting font table now");
  display.println("printing font table now");
  for (byte yz = 60; yz <= 120; yz++) {
    myChar = yz;

// Flashes the RED, GREEN & BLUE LED Lite on Display
void rgb_run() {
  rgb.on(255, 0, 0);
  rgb.on(0, 0, 0);
  rgb.on(255, 0, 0);
  rgb.on(0, 0, 0);
  rgb.on(255, 0, 0);
  rgb.on(0, 0, 0);;

void OLED() {
  float theta;
  uint8_t x;
  uint8_t y;
  static uint8_t lasttx;
  static uint8_t lastty;
  static uint8_t lastwdx;
  static uint8_t lastwdy;
  const uint8_t radiust = 60;
  const uint8_t radiuswd = 50;
  const uint8_t centre = 64;
  int8_t secondAdjusted = (second(t_now) - 15) % 60;
  char timestring[12];
  theta = (secondAdjusted * pi) / 30;
  x = centre + (uint8_t)radiust * (cos(theta));
  y = centre + (uint8_t)radiust * (sin(theta));
  tft.fillCircle(lasttx, lastty, 3, BLACK);
  tft.drawCircle(centre, centre, radiust, 0x528A);
  tft.fillCircle(x, y, 3, GREEN);
  lasttx = x;
  lastty = y;

  float windAngleAdjusted = windAngle - (pi / 2);
  if (windAngleAdjusted < 0) {
    windAngleAdjusted = windAngleAdjusted + (2 * pi);
  x = centre + (uint8_t)radiuswd * (cos(windAngleAdjusted));
  y = centre + (uint8_t)radiuswd * (sin(windAngleAdjusted));
  if (lastwdx != x || lastwdy != y) {
    tft.fillCircle(lastwdx, lastwdy, 3, BLACK);
    tft.drawCircle(centre, centre, radiuswd, 0x528A);
    tft.fillCircle(x, y, 3, YELLOW);
    lastwdx = x;
    lastwdy = y;
  sprintf(timestring, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour(t_now), minute(t_now), second(t_now));
  tft.setCursor(41, 32);

  if (windSpeedMPH < 100){
    if (windSpeedMPH < 10){
      sprintf(timestring, "0%3.2f", windSpeedMPH);
    } else {
      sprintf(timestring, "%4.2f", windSpeedMPH);
    tft.setCursor(35, 48);
  if (windSpeedMPHMax < 100){
    if (windSpeedMPHMax < 10){
      sprintf(timestring, "0%3.2f", windSpeedMPHMax);
    } else {
      sprintf(timestring, "%4.2f", windSpeedMPHMax);
    tft.setCursor(35, 64);

Ordered another board from AMAZON, it will be here tomorrow.

Life goes on.

Rob - K0RU

I would discuss this with Arduino support as that regulator should not die in such a short time (unless you have abused it).

Hello @k0ru!
Can you please share with us what what the specific component for the board that was overheating and if possible describe the weird behaviour reported for the display?
It would also perhaps be useful to have a closeup of the back of the display.

You make a lot of assumption pertaining to ABUSING it, nothing was done other than the Display board and Giga board were running for 2 days un-disturbed. Maybe 2 days is abuse.

Only 2 components involved, GIGA R1 board and GIGA Display.

I have a open Ticket with Arduino addressing the issue.

I did not make assumptions; sorry if you read it like that. Maybe my phrasing was incorrect; it was just there to indicate that if you did something wrong (and you know about it) it would not be fair to contact Arduino.

There are plenty people that put e.g. 12V on a 5V pin, board dies and next claim warranty. And before you misunderstand. I do not imply that you are one of them.


I understood your text. My guess is that the GIGA Display has something wrong with it as it was probably drawing excess current for the 3.3 Volt Regulator. I'm going to be sending both boards back to Arduino for review as getting another GIGA R1 board isn't the answer, because if the GIGA Display board is drawing excess current for the long duration then the ultimate outcome for the replace board will be failure as well.

I've been an Extra Class Amateur radio operator for 55 years, and I'm a retired Electrical Engineer from Caterpillar Power Systems. I'm pretty confident that my assumptions are correct. There could be some trace issues with the Display board or some sort of defective component. I will leave it to Arduino to figure that out.

I understand and yes I totally agree with your 12V on a 5V pin statement. Although my board has only had the USB-C power from my laptop at all times. I have powered several different Arduino boards here for many days at a time without any issues. I just purchased this GIGA Board mid November and haven't had it that long and I've just begun working with the programming of it with this new Display which I just purchased from Digikey about 2 weeks ago, so if my suspicions are current I would bet my money that there is something wrong with the Display. I've always been aware of the voltage requirements of the boards before making any connections and powering them up. Mistakes can happen and when they do, its not fair to put that back on the MFG to (rip them off). as being a prior Warranty Manager for Caterpillar you sure can possible realize some of the crap I had to deal with and how many times people would blow up an engine and try to put the blame back on Caterpillar for faulty components, rebuilds, etc. $70.00 out of my pocket isn't worth the embarrassment with Arduino should they find some sort of fault on my part that is for sure.


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Hello everyone, well after several emails back and forth with Arduino it has been determined that the 5 volt regulator has gone out on the board.

Not exactly sure why, but live and learn I guess. I never hooked anything else up to the board other than the GIGA Display which kind of bothers me.

But, I have received a new board from AMAZON yesterday, connected the GIGA Display board to it and fired up the ARDUINO LOGO Sketch, and after a 24 hour burn in so far nothing is getting hot and the display is functioning properly.

Oh well. Thanks for everyone's comments, onto the next project. Enjoying the Arduino fun!

Rob - K0RU

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I ordered 10 mkr1010 boards from Arduino USA a few months ago and one of them was DOA right out of the box so, bad boards can get past QC. If i wasn't so busy I would have gotten a warranty exchange.

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Apologies for reviving this necro thread, but I also had my first GIGA board die on me a few days after starting to work with it. My issue was that I couldn't get it to show up as any USB device in DFU mode.

Tried everything, but I didn't bother checking the board voltages etc, but instead the Arduino team were kind enough to address my feedback and sent me an RMA board.

I'm now testing on 2x GIGA R1 boards and 1x Portenta H7. Ordered another Portenta H7 so lets see how this goes.