Got a unknown question?

Hi all.
I am running a multi_sub folders sketch which used libraries:

#include <TJpg_Decoder.h>
#include "SPI.h"
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>   
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
in setup(){

 if (!SD.begin(14)) {
    Serial.println("Card Mount Failed");



one sub-folder:

void xxx(){
 File GPSDATAlogIDr ="/test.txt");

not have:

#include "FS.h"
#include "SD.h"

all compiling passed.

why and how 'SD.begin(14)' without SD.h
where possibly defined "File" without a SD library?

any clue thankful.


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Ni hao. @shanren - When you have questions concerning library files, have a look inside the repositories... look in the ".h" for other #include files, like this... where you will find SD.h...

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got the point.
Thank you.

usr doesn't get it. ineff. comstyle