Hello everybody,
Me and my partner Amite produce a project to school and we use graphic lcd with arduino uno.
We connected the graphic lcd to the arduino like the photo below.
The graphic lcd is working but when we tried to put a simple plane on it (showing "hello world" on the graphic lcd), it just not responding.
We tried several times to run the plane with arduino playground without success.
If someone can help us we appreciate it.
(the photo of the composition is in the link)
Thank you, Shachar and Amite.
hi, thank you for answering my question.
one more thing, i already downloaded the library OPENGLCD and the program works but nothing is going on the GLCD, the glcd is working and we can control the brightness but we cant write on it.
what can we do?
thank you amite and shachar
Run the diag sketch. It is to aid in debugging GLCD and wiring issues.
Post the serial output from the diag sketch.
--- bill
we already posted the way of wiring at the end of our question.
please check and help us.
we already posted the way of wiring at the end of our question.
please check and help us.
Yes I saw your diagram and spent several minutes .
And based on what glcd you say you have, the wiring in that diagram looks correct.
However, there is no way for me to verify that you actually have that glcd or that you have wired it up according the diagram you have posted, which glcd configuration you are using, or if you have modified the pin configuration.
While it is possible that you have a bad glcd,
wiring is the issue more than 99% of the time when a glcd is not working.
In more than 6 years, I have only seen a handful of bad glcd modules, and in all but one case, the glcds were damaged by previous bad wiring since wiring up a glcd module incorrectly can damage the glcd module.
The glcd diag sketch is used to help diagnose glcd issues such as wiring issues or potentially bad glcd modules.
My recommendation at this point is to post enough information for others to be able to see what you have and verify everything.
This means posting enough information so that someone else could replicate your setup.
So I would recommend posting:
- photos of your glcd so the glcd can be identified
- photos of your wiring so that the wiring can be identified/verfied and soldering can be inspected.
- the output of the glcd diag sketch which is used to help verify wiring, pin configuration, and glcd functionality.
--- bill
Thank you bill we appreciate your help.